LSU Football Talk

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by j0nathanr0y, Feb 19, 2004.

  1. j0nathanr0y

    j0nathanr0y Founding Member

    Jun 26, 2003
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    Ok guys, I know we are a few months away from the start of the season, but we need to talk some football. Lets talk about our possible weakness as of now.

    Marcus Randall (Sr) - I would like to believe that the Sr. could step up and make something happen but I just don't know. Look at his numbers.

    Record as a starter (3-7)

    2002 Att Cmp Int Yds
    South Carolina 12/23 0 183
    at Auburn 9/20 4 79
    at Kentucky 10/23 0 264
    Alabama 6/17 0 39
    Ole Miss 13/20 0 179
    at Arkansas 14/25 0 203
    Texas (Cotton) 19/45 1 193

    Now we don't have proof Jamarcus Russell or Matt Flynn are any better, but with numbers like that I say seniority doesn't even matter. I think we should start one of the freshmen. If one of them goes down and sucks we put in the other or Marcus Randall.

    Running Backs
    Wide Receivers
    Tight Ends
    Offensive Linemen

    Lionel Turner, Darius Ingram, Cameron Vaughn, Brian West, and Ken Hollis all return. I think 2 of these players will only stand out. I think losing Eric Alexander will hurt a bit.

    Newbies: Harry Coleman, Luke Sanders, Quinn Johnson, E.J. Kuale, and Ali Highsmith.

    What players do you think will impact at the LB position? Do you think we will be stronger or weaker than last year?

    Defensive Line

    In general, do you think LSU will be better, worse, or about the same than last years team?

    I think if Marcus Randall starts for more than 4 games we will go 8-3.
  2. BostonBengal

    BostonBengal Founding Member

    May 14, 2003
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    While I'll acknowledge your concern for having Randall at starting QB is ledgit, I will say that to Randall's defense, look at his numbers this past season. Though I know he only came in during blow-out loses and in mop-up time, he put together some good numbers. Multiply those numbers a few times simulating an entire game or string of games, and his numbers would actually be pretty good.

    2 years ago, when he was handed the starting job due to Mauck's injury, he was a Soph. QB, not ANY big-game experience (remember Mauck directed a comeback win in the SEC title game over Tennessee). He didn't have any confidence, was coming out of a Freshman year where he was the #3 QB (how many reps do you actually think he got?) and seemed to get too anxious.

    Last year he looked more sure of himself. Watching him, you just got the feeling that he was more comfortable out there.

    Look for Randall to improve on what this past season has taught him.

    As far as LB's go, I think Kuale could be ready to contribute. If not right away for the season opener, then sometime early in the conference schedule. I also look for one of the new freshmen LB's to step up and seperate themselves from the group. Either Sanders or Stoltz perhaps. Possibly even Highsmith if he's as good as advertised.

    Other than that, like you said, we should be solid.
  3. BostonBengal

    BostonBengal Founding Member

    May 14, 2003
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    Oh, and one more thing:

    I think we have enough talent that we should be as good as this past year's team. Finding a replacement for Lavalais on the D-line will be key as will be finding that "defensive QB", if you will, to replace Jack Hunt--in my opinion, Hunt was PHENOMINAL and a MAJOR, MAJOR reason for our success defensively.
  4. Chipeace

    Chipeace Country Roads Tiger

    Aug 13, 2002
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    I agree Boston, Hunt was awsome. Although we have tons of talent at offensive line, I am concerned that it may take them time to Jell, so to speak. Actually, other than running back we have a lot of holes to fill on offense. Albeit with good recruits, holes nonetheless.
  5. geauxscott

    geauxscott Founding Member

    Oct 24, 2002
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    First of all, Marcus Randall is (3-4) as a starter not (3-7)......Second, I think Randall will do a fine job leading the Tigers to another SEC Championship!!!!
  6. DDTigerFan

    DDTigerFan Back from the Dead

    Feb 9, 2003
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    Claude Wroten will be able to step in as a solid replacement for Lavalais.
  7. TigerEducated

    TigerEducated Founding Member

    Feb 18, 2003
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    That's what I was going to say, scott....He's only one game below .500, and to be honest, the Arkansas game was in the bag...Almost 4-3...and that's against stiff competition...

    The other thing is that in 2002, his stats were BETTER than Mauck's against admittedly stiffer competition. He's also been, since Mauck's injury anyway, the fastest quarterback we've had.

    He always had a better arm...His problem, I think, was all mental...He never had the experience reading defenses like Mauck got early on in the season...

    When you make mistakes when you're going through your progessions and reading defenses in the early part of the season, you're usually up against equally wet behind the ears defenses, as well, for one. For two, the teams you do make mistakes against aren't as good as yours. Which means they aren't executing, they aren't coached up, and they don't have the talent to capitalize on your mistakes...

    This allows you to see where you made your mistakes, and then to come back from that, without having to suffer the embarassment of having a top flight defense eat your lunch because of it...

    ULM didn't pick Mauck off, but Ole Miss took him in for 7 on the first offensive play from scrimmage...For one example...

    Randall went in against defenses that were hitting their strides, yadda, yadda, yadda...He also went in with no experience, with a team that was already adjusted to one field general.

    His stats were still better than Mauck's from a yardage and completion percentage standpoint. Not to mention, teams actually had to scheme for a vertical passing attack when Randall was in, because he challenged the field and the secondary like Mauck never will be able to, merely by stepping onto the field.

    But, I digress....

    Other than that, we need to fill the gap on defense, and at linebacker, I don't expect a JUCO kid to come in and do it. Someone will have to-and will-step up to fill that gap that's already on the team...

    This defense is too complex for the average kid to come in and comprehend everything. Now...mind you, a LaRon Landry is different. He relied on ball instincts and natural ability, but also didn't have to play the position that Jack Hunt did. That's a perfect progression there for him to go into Hunt's old position. Looking for someone to step up there is not as much a question as just plugging Landry in.

    On the corners, depth is the only real concern, but with Ronnie Prude out there, it's not a problem at all...Lots of people don't really remember, but Randall Gay was not in the game for Jawja. Lots of great plays were made by Ronnie Prude...

    On offense, Livings slides over to the tackle position vacated by the graduated Rodney Reed. Niswanger plugs in at guard, and then Hodges, Dyakowski, or someone else plugs in at the other guard spot where Peterman was.

    Running back is a crapshoot, but we come up snakeyes on every roll...

    Quarterback, I've already talked about...and I'll say it one more time...NO TEAM HAS EVER WON A NATIONAL TITLE WITH A FRESHMAN STARTING QUARTERBACK.

    If you expect a national title, or for LSU to be in the hunt, you're expecting either Matt Flynn or JaMarcus Russell to do what no other redshirt or true freshman has ever done other than ONE guy....

    That guy is former RS frosh Michael '99, they lost 46-29, or was it 49-26? to FSU and Booby Bowden...

    You going to put those kinds of expectations on this team, and on those kids under center?

    Not me...
  8. geauxscott

    geauxscott Founding Member

    Oct 24, 2002
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    TE,....I agree with everything you just said.... It seems that you and I are the only Randall supporters on this board...while there maybe a few others, there are WAY too many Randall bashers that are apparently not seeing the whole picture!!!
  9. TigerEducated

    TigerEducated Founding Member

    Feb 18, 2003
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    They saw LSU go from 6-1, Top 10 in the BCS, to losing a bad one to Auburn on the road in a "mudder" and then getting BLASTED "Brady Style" by Bama at home 31-0 on national TV...

    Then they felt a "let the air out loss" at Arkansas, and then another second half letdown against Texas...

    They path of least resistance when reaching a conclusion for "why did this team go this way" is to blame Randall...

    One would be foolish to say that...With time, and experience, he will be a great quarterback for LSU, unless one of the frosh just rockets through his progression to ascend to the pulpit....
  10. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    I think the jury is still out n Randall, and I don't think we know what he can do. All I know is lets give the kid a chance before we turn the program over to Russell/Flynn for the hell of it.

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