lsu is going to run the table next football season.

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by snorton938, Mar 25, 2004.

  1. TigerEducated

    TigerEducated Founding Member

    Feb 18, 2003
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    2 AtTack SoMe1'S iNtElLiGeNcE oN aN iNtErNeT mEsSaGe BoArD wHiLe SaYiNg ThInGs LiKe...

    "...U r the nimrod 4..."

    Is LiKe So ToTaLlY oFf Da ChAiN. yOuR mEnTaLiTy AnD mAtUrItY pErMeAtE aLl Of YoUr PoStS iN ThIs ThReAd, EsPeCiAlLy ThE OnEs WhErE yOu TaKe ShOtS aT a PlAyEr WhO hAs GiVeN hIs AlL To HiS ScHoOl, HiS tEaMmAtEs, HiS cOaChEs, AnD lEsT wE nOt FoRgEt, UnGrAtEfUl, IgNoRaNt "FaNs" LiKe "U", wHo GrAcE uS wItH fOoTbAlL wIsDoM yOu'Ve GlEaNeD lIke, "A qUaRtErBaCk SuCks If He DoEsN't PuT Up HeIsMaN nUmBeRs In GaRbAgE tImE wItH oThEr BaCkUpS iN tHe GaMe."

    I bOw tO yOuR sUpErIoR fOotBaLl KnOwLeDgE aNd KeEn ObSeRvAtIoNs...

    FoRgIvE mE...
  2. LSUterrill

    LSUterrill Founding Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    What an ASS this TigerEducated is.... another sarcastic post.... I guess some of us should not post our opinins, cause this MR. KNOW IT ALL ... will do nothing but post up an insulting response if he doesn't agree..... LSU Fans like him is a insult to LSU as far as I'm concerned.... I bet he is one of the fair-weather guys, that when the Tigers have a down season, he is completely against them and insults them..... kiss off...... U know what dude.... U should maybe just try a little, just a little, not to be so insulting to people in your post, when u don't agree ....... and yes, I feel like I have superior football knowledge, being a Jr. High coach for 8 yrs. with 7 winning seasons and 2 Championships .... I would bet I have more football knowledge in my little finger than u have total........... But I'm sure u know better than all of us ........ U were the insulter of intelligents here first... As usual, MR. KNOW IT ALL like u can dish it out, but can't take it.... LOL....
    I think Randall is a kid with lots of talent... But I don't think he is a starting QB for a major NCAA program.... He had his opportunity to take the starting job 2 seasons ago when Mauck went down hurt.... He had his chance .... I'm hoping these 2 red-shirt freshman are as talented as everyone claims and hopes, cause my feeling is if Randall's our best, we may lose a few more games than everyone thinks we will..... My opinion.... Hope I'm wrong... But I don't think the kid has what it takes....

    later.... :lsug: :lsup: :helmet: :tigerhead :champs: :eek:ldskule:
  3. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    "You can dish it out but you can't take it, see. You're all washed up, see."

    Edward G. Robinson in Little Caesar
  4. diamondheadtiger

    diamondheadtiger Founding Member

    Aug 27, 2003
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    :D :grin: :D :grin: :D :grin: :D :grin: :D :grin: :D :grin: :D :grin: :D
  5. TigerEducated

    TigerEducated Founding Member

    Feb 18, 2003
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    This is the opinion of a junior high football coach.

    A coach of 7 years with two championships.

    This is the voice of a guy who watches the game.

    This is the voice of a guy who is paid by a parish school system to teach sports and the way sports can relate to life to young minds and young, aspiring athletes.

    I wonder...If one of your students athletes asked you what you thought about Marcus Randall, would you tell him-word for word-what you told all of us when your opinion was not asked?

    You-unsolicited-made those know it. I made my comments about YOU in retaliation for your off the cuff brain flatulence.

    I'll promise you this...You go tell your kids you coach how a school you love and support and whose teams you support and love-much like the kids you coach-has a kid you'd trade to another school for a waterboy because he's no good, and he stinks...and while you're at it, make sure their parents are within earshot as you start up that rattle trap of yours...

    I'll be there, right by your side, to recite to them with a little more spontaneity that support is not based on results, it's based on belief, and it's based on work ethic, and it's based on teamwork.

    I'll also repeat every single word I've typed on this thread-verbatim-at any time.

    I wonder...Who do you think will walk away with their head held higher?

    A coach of kids who claims he'd trade a fifth year player whose been through the battles and has come through with an education, dignity, toughness, and (if not yours, nor anyone else's, then) MY respect, for a waterboy for a SWAC team...I'll bet the parents of the kids you coach would just LOVE to hear opinions like those...

    Truly an inspiration...

    Keep your thoughts coming, I'm sure all proponents of public schools and the true value of the extracurricular sports programs in terms of how they can further their children's lives and bodies' would hold you up to the light for all to see...

    Welcome to the board. You won't hear me denigrate you or those brilliant epiphanies anymore...Way to go coach!
  6. diamondheadtiger

    diamondheadtiger Founding Member

    Aug 27, 2003
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  7. G_MAN113

    G_MAN113 Founding Member

    Nov 10, 2003
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    Bear in mind that we don't HAVE to have a Heisman candidate under
    center this season. We need to have exactly what we had last season...a guy who makes a minimal number of mistakes. In doing so, Matt managed to put up some pretty good numbers, but that was incidental to the bigger picture. Our defense is going to win far more games for us than our offense will, regardless of who the QB is.
  8. Tygrr

    Tygrr Win the West

    Jan 26, 2004
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    Pot meet kettle

    TE freely expresses his dislike for ole John Brady, yet if someone does the same about a football player, he gets his panties in a bunch. :cry:

    TE, you may continue your pointless ranting now.
  9. Chipeace

    Chipeace Country Roads Tiger

    Aug 13, 2002
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    Rant or not, we will discuss this until (& after) the Oregon State game. I personally think that Randall is inconsistent. Maybe he will be better next year. Actually, I am more concerned about the offensive line & the wide receivers. Yeah, I agree we HAVE talent. 2 years ago at Va. Tech we had talent. Mauck & Clayton & other talented WR's couldn't get it done. Wilkerson got hurt & line suffered too.
    Point is we will have a lot of new faces at line & WR on offense. It will take time to jell. For me, I'd like to know which QB will be a leader, as Rohan was 3 years ago. I personally liked Booty, but the players liked Rohan, so if all the QB's are about the same, I vote for the leader.
    But..... It's not up to me (thank goodness..). Nick will get the team jelled. No matter who the QB is, there will be mistakes. Go Tigers!!! :champs:
  10. LSUterrill

    LSUterrill Founding Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    I agree with u 100% Chipeace..... Well said...... They will make mistakes early... We need to hope they stay healthy, have some football fortune, and improve as the season goes along.... Can't wait for the spring game...

    GEAUX TIGERS !!!! :helmet: :lsug: :lsup: :tigerhead :champs: :geaux:

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