
Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by CD75, Dec 17, 2007.

  1. CD75

    CD75 Freshman

    Nov 18, 2007
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    I think Michgan has a good coach in RR. It still get tears thinking about we may had a chance at Miles. However, through all this media hype, and the reactions from both the LSU fans and Michigan fans, I can honestly say, LSU is now my second favorite school. Go Tigers, beat the Suckeyes, good luck in the future with more SEC championships and go forever BLUE!!!!
  2. CajunlostinCali

    CajunlostinCali Booger Eatin Moron

    Nov 1, 2007
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    Bit off topic here but would any fraction of the blue loyalist sell there souls for any kind of win against tOSU?

    I know of two that would sacrafice their first born for the honor. :shock:
  3. CD75

    CD75 Freshman

    Nov 18, 2007
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    Michgan isn't as upset with Ohio State's loses. It's only been within the past few years. Not long ago it was 2-10-1 in favor of Michgan under Bruce. We knew Hart, Henne were hurt for the suckeyes. Our offense was dead, but they only scored 13 on us.....APPY STATE was BETTER!!!!!!!! Go Tigers. OSU is THE only school to put THE in front of their names. Michiganders do not recongize anything before the OSUcks. Rest of the Big Ten...good luck.
  4. LSUTyga73

    LSUTyga73 Football Connoisseur

    Sep 22, 2004
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    hehe you keep posting like that you will have lots of friends here :thumb:
    I was watching the aOSU-UM game a couple years ago and they were saying that within the last 25 years or so the series was dead even. And plus yall still have the overall series lead with them anyways. I got to think that most Michigan fans will be rooting for Les Miles, a proclaimed UM supporter, to beat the Buckeyes.
  5. yi ni

    yi ni Founding Member

    Oct 14, 2007
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    Blame that on your AD who was out 'sailing' and couldn't be contacted when Miles was trying to call him. I think it was a pretty dick to try to distract LSU like this when your program never really wanted Miles.
  6. charlie_c0756

    charlie_c0756 Founding Member

    Jan 4, 2004
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    Ok, an honest view on the LSU/Michigan/WVU debacle: (before you read this, realize that I just may be the BIGGEST LSU fan in the nation, let alone having to live in West Virginia)

    Did Miles wanna go to Michigan to coach? More likely than not. Not being able to talk to the AD at Michigan during a critical time and DUMBASS Herbstreit trying to out Miles before Miles wanted any news breaking put a STOP to Miles going to Michigan. WHY? Because Miles is an honorable, moral, and honest guy. He'd have looked like an azzole if he had left for Michigan at that point.

    Did R Rodriguez wann go to Michigan to coach? Who knows? Did he have any ties or alliances to persuade him to leave WVU? NO. Is he greedy? YES. He's making a top 10 college salary at WVU compared to other Division 1 schools. So what makes him greedy? It's the endorsement money and the little Xtras of coaching a high profile team in a major television market. Those little xtras add up to many millions per year in his wallet. Rodriguez played at West Virginia. His mom and dad live in West Virginia. ALL of his ties are here.
    Is Rich Rodriguez an honest, moral, honest guy? NO. To abandon your team before the bowl game the team worked hard to get to is unexcusable. He could have waited until the bowl game was played before considering the job.

    Unless of course Michigan DEMANDED an answer prior to the bowl game. Did Michigan do this? Probobly. Rodriguez wouldn't of wanted WVU and the fans to know what a money hungry, punk-azz, scumbag he is unless it would endanger his getting the Michigan gig.

    So, the moral to this story?
    Michigan and Rich Rodriguez are a match made in hell. They're perfect for each other. Both the Michigan athletic administration and Rich Rodriguez are azzwipes.

    The other moral? Miles and LSU are a match made in Bayou Heaven. Both are standup, honest, and want the best for the fans and the University.

    1 person likes this.
  7. Bayou Bengal11

    Bayou Bengal11 ~Orlando Tiger Coonass~

    Aug 5, 2005
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    Definitely feelin the love in this thread :grin:
  8. geauxtigs

    geauxtigs Tigers Forever

    Nov 28, 2007
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    :geaux: :crystal: :helmet: Sounds like living in W. Va. you have also developed a fondness for the Mountaineer's as well. I hear ya. I lived in W. Va. for three years and pulled for them. They have a very loyal fan base, and some reminded me of some LSU fans who aren't satisfied with anything. I remember the WVU fans griping about then coach Don Nehlen who built the program from nothing and got them to an NC game, and they still wanted to push him out at the end, like LSU did to Cholly Mac.
    Anyway, I'm glad RR is going to Michigan. I want to put this Michigan mess behind us so everyone can concentrate on the BCS NC game and recruiting. However, I won't feel totally comfortable until he signs on the dotted line. Until he does, some of the talking heads will still want to keep the Miles connection alive.:LSU231: :geauxtige :champs:
  9. FearTheNut

    FearTheNut Founding Member

    Dec 6, 2007
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    Typical Meatchicken fan... clueless.

    Bruce was 5-3 against the maize and spew genius. It was cooper that sucked it up and went 2-10-1

    And i love the Heart/Henne being hurt argument. So what excuse do you have for the other 5 beat downs Tressel administered to you over the past 6 years.

    Good luck against Florida's spread. And thanks for giving the Big Ten that wonderful mark of first 1A team to lose to a 1AA team.
  10. LSUGradin99

    LSUGradin99 I Bleedeth Purple 'N Gold

    Nov 17, 2003
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    What excuses do you have for the eight beat downs OSU has taken at the hands of SEC teams in bowl games?

    Michigan was not the first 1A team to lose to a 1AA team. Not even close.

    Guess OSU fans are clueless too.

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