I wonder how many LSU players have been on winning Super Bowl teams through the years. Between all of us I bet we can come up with a lot of them. The first I can think of was Jimmy Taylor for the Packers in Super Bowl I and II (or had he gone to the Saints by then?). Johnny Robinson and Remi Prudhomme played for the Chiefs in Super Bowl IV. Someone take it from there...
I thought this would be easy but I'm drawing a blank. I know that Moonie Winston played for some of those losing Vikings teams in the SB. Was Warren Capone on the 77 SB winning Cowboys?
OK Here are the former Tigers who own Super Bowl rings: SB I - Jim Taylor - Green Bay SB IV - Johnny Robinson, Remi Prudhomme - Kansas City SB V - Fred Miller - Baltimore SB VI - Billy Truax - Dallas SB XXXIII - Tory James - Denver SB XXXVI - Kevin Faulk - New England SB XXXVII - Anthony McFarland - Tampa Bay (on the IR - but got a ring) SB XXXVIII - kevin Faulk, Jarvis Green, Rohan Davey, Todd Kinchen - New England
Thats Brian Kinchen. His brother Todd play for the Rams for a while but he was traded or cut before the Rams won the Superbowl. Brian was a former tight end for Belichek in Cleveland and also played for the Dolphins and a couple of other teams for 14 years. He had been retired for 3 years and was teaching at Parkview Baptist High School in Baton Rouge when Belichek called him and asked him to try out as the long snapper right before the playoffs started.