Maisel's little commentary about the tigers at the white house

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by TigerStagg, Mar 30, 2004.

  1. TigerStagg

    TigerStagg Founding Member

    Nov 20, 2001
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    --I hate this guy Ivan Maisel. Before the sugar bowl last year he said that USC had already won it. He said they were in the clubhouse with an insurmountable lead or some BS. anyway...

    Going to the White House on Tuesday was one of the cooler things I've done since I started covering college football.
    It struck me as I watched the ceremony how different the football culture is in Louisiana than it is in California, and that difference has everything to do with the reactions from the two sides to the split national championship.
    When President Bush welcomed the LSU team, the audience erupted in applause. He recognized the legislators in the audience. All but one member of the Louisiana delegation attended the ceremony. Joining them were many members of their staffs, toting footballs to be signed, cameras, and big, very big, extremely big, smiles.
    When President Bush welcomed the USC teams (football and women's volleyball), the audience gave polite applause. Two members of Congress from California, Chris Cox and Diane Watson, came as well. The campus is in Rep. Watson's district.
    When I phoned Rep. Richard Baker, an LSU graduate and the representative from Baton Rouge, he couldn't call back fast enough to talk smack about the Trojans. When I called Rep. Watson's office and asked her media official about "the controversy" concerning LSU and USC, he said, "What controversy?"
    Or maybe it's just that Watson went to UCLA.
    The passion for football in the SEC in general, and LSU in this case, spills over everything that happens at the university. It's not that way at USC. As I type that, it seems painfully obvious (Tonight on SportsCenter: People in the south like college football. Dah-dah-dah! Dah-dah-dah!). But seeing them together crystallized the difference in reaction of the two camps to the split national championship.
    Note: As several Tiger fans have written to tell me, the LSU web site put up a nice, complete story about the visit of LSU and USC to the White House. The story didn't even have a begrudging tone.

    Rusty (Monroe, LA): I thought your article on The White House visit was pretty negative. I am pretty sure that LSU Sports. net is only interested in telling stories about Lsu sports. The name kinda of gave it away for me.

    Ivan Maisel: No one gets anything past Rusty.

    The website posted a very good story Tuesday about both teams' visit to the White House. But I thought it was characteristic of both schools' attitude about the split title that USC framed it in a larger context, and LSU talked only about LSU.

    Brian (Alexandria, LA): With a new QB, and our top 2 wide receivers gone, do you think the LSU defense will be strong enough to get the Tigers back to Atlanta?

    Ivan Maisel: Brian, your defense got you to Atlanta and the national championship game last season. I think the offense will be an afterthought again this year, although the potential of the running game intrigues me.

    Greg (Somewhere in Dixie): I think that LSU's attitude has alot to do with the fact that the talking heads in the media have all jumped on the USC bandwagon including yourself. But LSU is still the only 13-1 team that one the championship system that USC agreed to but are still seen as #2 in the "opinion polls". And we wonder why they are a little "sore" to not mention USC. Please...get off of it.

    Chad (Baton Rouge): I met you in the press elevator at the UGA/LSU game last year, and you yold me that if LSU won that you would gives them props after being negative on the week before. 6 months, an SEC and a National Title later and still no props. What's the deal Ivan?

    Ivan Maisel: I thought USC was the best team last year. I have written consistently since then of the split national championship, which means that USC and LSU share it. But as you say, and as my email continues to show, Tiger fans have trouble sharing.
  2. MiketheTiger69

    MiketheTiger69 Founding Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    I emailed the jerk and basically told him that USuCk and the AP were a bunch of spoiled whiners that didn't like to play by the rules. So far I've gotten no reply.
  3. TigerStagg

    TigerStagg Founding Member

    Nov 20, 2001
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    don't expect one. I emailed him after his love fest with USC article came out after the rose bowl. I got a notification like four days ago that the e-mail was deleted without being read. Evidently he cleans out his inbox once every 3 months.
  4. sstig

    sstig Freshman

    Oct 20, 2003
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    Here is the reason Ivan and his ilk like USC.... the population of Louisiana is 4+
    million.....the population of Calafornicate is 30+ million. Where do more magizines sell? Any questions? It is always about the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. :dis: :dis:
  5. Da-veed

    Da-veed Freshman

    Nov 7, 2003
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    The media types have always loved exciting offenses. We all know what wins championships and that LSU had the best! It still iritates me but I try to remember that I know who is the real champ. GEAUX TIGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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