Thought I would share this with yall. It is pretty good surface analysis and pays compliments to LSU and Saban. And from a Bama guy at that. I still have to pick Bama as the spoiler, if for nothing else than loyalty and support. RTR
Thanks RTR. I am curious to know why others think Saban is a jerk? We don't see it because we are obviously biased. Why do some think so?
That's a good article...but at first when he said the "tigers are clearly better at Running back and Linebacker," I had to remind myself that Auburn were the Tigers too...
Got me To be honest i really don't know. I don't pay much attention to him. I think he doesn't come off as a real fan friendly coach. I know last year when I was camping out for ticks to LSU/Bama, he pulled up early in the morning and gave not so much as a wave or smile. He was 25 feet away and the fans were obviously paying attention to him. That kinda turned me off. I mean I wasn't looking for him to sign autographs, but at least a wave and "thanks guys and gals". I think maybe the other thread about him being all business may touch on it. He doesn't seem real approachable. RTR
Saban is very fan friendly. Saban is not friendly with the Media. Matter fact most media types hate Saban because he does not put up with their Crap. Which makes me like him even more. The bad news most media people speak negativley because he hates the media.
The story I am about to tell is heresay and I want to go on record saying that I think Saban is a great coach. I have family and friends that work on campus and they have all said that of all of the coaches they have interacted with that Saban was definetly the most unfriendly. They said that Brady and the others always strike up conversations with them and joke around and that Saban is always a stick in the mud when they try to talk with him. BUT it must not be that bad because they are still huge lsu fans. Please dont take this the wrong way I am not trying to start any crap I just thought this story pertained to the thread.
You hit the nail on the head there TT. To RTR: Was it game day? That may explain the "snub". You ever try to talk to a lawyer on the 1st day of a big trial?
If you've ever seen Saban at a banquet, you'll know that he just does not have that outgoing personality that allows him to effectively "work the room." Skip and Brady both do this very well, and Gerry was excellent at working the room. Saban's just not that outgoing with the general public. As a result, he can come off cold, unfriendly -- a "jerk." Personally, I'd rather have the LSU football coach much more effective at coaching young men than working rooms full of fans/alums.
I really don't get the Saban is a jerk thing either. In the article they say "We rate the “personality challenged” Saban as the SEC’s best coach." I agree at times his personality isn't real outgoing in the public so that makes him a jerk? I guess I can see where people get it from but it really isn't deserved. Anyway I like what the article had to say about LSU.
It was During the off season, when individual game tickets went on sale. It wasn't to hot so must have been early summer. Was not during spring drills. SoLA, I agree whole heartedly. I would take a darn good coach(which saban is) over a well liked coach. Let us see, a good hand shaker or a NC.....I don't need to shake his hand.