That is what I am now reading. Some are saying he had hired an agent before pulling his name out of the draft. Thanks Marquise for all your hard work and good luck in the NFL.:lsug:
i wish him well if this is true, We will miss the person but I think we will be alright without him. Thank You Lord for Nick and his recruiting machine.
Hiring an agent would disqualify him from college, but if he didn't get his name in the draft by the deadline, then he is not eligible for the draft. He would lose on both fronts ... assuming he did hire an agent.
He could always go in the Supplemental Draft is this is true, and still play in the NFL next year. or sign somewhere as a rookie free agent.
True ... but I wonder how much money it would cost him (if any) for having to wait for the supplemental draft?
Where did you hear this info? And if it's true, then what IS this kid's deal? I mean, this has been playing out for over a week and a half with him. I don't think I've ever seen anybody quite so wishy-washy.
You would think that with coaches and advisers around that they would learn the procedures and do's and don'ts when this kind of stuff happens..... or maybe its just the case of going pro and then changing one's mind?
I saw on Dandy Don that there are reports he may have had contact with an agent, which means his eligibility would be in question. LSU is working with the NCAA to see what the contact consisted of, and to see if he will be eligible for next season.