Michelle Obama Throwin It Down

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LSUTiga, Jan 21, 2014.

  1. gyver

    gyver Rely on yourself not on others.

    Sep 29, 2011
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    If politicians had to put their donors names on their jackets they would look like a NASCAR driver.
  2. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    A few points on all the comments above:
    @red55 The Nobel prize has been shown to be a joke. The last thing Obama has brought is peace. He was given the prize on not being W and hype.
    @red55 @gyver The financial crash was a bi partisan effort. After Clinton & Gringrich left they were replaced by drunken sailors who fought over who could spend it faster for their own purposes. Barney Frank Chris Dodd were in the pocket of Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac and the big banks. Look at the record of campaign contributions and the Ds were given as much or more than the Rs by Wall Street. Bush & the Rs did fund 2 wars but Obama latched on to the Afghanistan war and compounded the problems and costs. Obama has presided over the decline of US influence in the world. Read what is written in Britain, France, Russia, Germany the ME ...everywhere we are at even a lower ebb than in 2008.
    BTW @gyver We aren't arming anyone in Syria...Barry has fucked that up totally and he has some responsibility for the 130,000+ people killed there.
    Point is as LaSalle said both parties are totally screwing up and screwing us over. I have no truck with President Obama and still hold to all the points I have made over the years about him and the Ds. I also recognize the Bush and the Rs have been pretty poor representatives of conservatives. They aren't conservative at all ....and don't get me started on the tea party or its leftist equivalents.
    ParadiseiNC, kluke and gyver like this.
  3. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Hype for sure. The world was sick of Dubya and badly wanted Obama to be different, and he has been. He has gotten us out of a couple of wars and avoided getting into a couple of more in Libya and Syria. And he managed to step up the campaign against Al Qaeda at the same time and they were the real enemy all along.

    My point was that it happened before Obama's watch for those that try to blame the recession on him.

    Are you kidding me? Syria has been played beautifully. Do you really want to be involved another endless Middle Eastern war with both sides hating us and no foreseeable end game? I mean, Al Qaeda and Hezbollah are actually fighting each other! That's fucking fantastic. Plus Obama swung the big stick and induced Syria to give up its chemical weapons. Now Israel is no longer threatened by them and is no longer having to issue gas masks to its citizens. Whoever wins in Syria is going to be anti-American. Let them stew in their mess. It ain't our fight. Israel can handle Syria. They are the only ones we need to arm over there. No one is responsible for the 130,000 killed but the Syrians themselves. Vietnam taught us never to get involved in a civil war overseas.

    Well, they are conservative, but I understand what you are saying and agree to an extent. Both parties have become too ideological and polarized. This country needs a third, moderate party very badly. But the existing parties will never let it happen, it seems. Whenever a third party emerges it seems to be to the right of the republicans or to the left of the democrats making things worse.
    ParadiseiNC likes this.
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Every now and then you come up with something I like. It should be a requirement. We would know that a politician covered with logos like stickers on an Ohio State helmet is owned and who owns him.
    gyver likes this.
  5. tigerchick46

    tigerchick46 Quick Learner

    Nov 2, 2011
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    Um no but you conveniently ignored the domestic terrorist he's clearly associated with I listed that would make Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs look like Santa Clause or what did you say, Sesame Street? Don't address them, just sweep them under the rug, blame Bush, typical Liberal Hardo playbook 101….as predictable as Les Miles on 1st and 10. Jeremy Hill left or Right.

    Oh, I had no idea he actually WON the same award Adolf Hitler was nominated for, makes sense though.…..

    Bush and Romney?

    Where did I mention Bush or Romney? Stop being such an Obama Hardo, besides I'm sure with 8 years in office, a Harvard Law Degree a Nobel Peace Prize and a Gov't healthcare system so fucked up even Dr's won't be able to get Gold Diggers he'll have it all straightened out….or I suspect it will still be someone else's fault, either Les Miles or George Bush….

    For the record, I'm pro-gay, pro-choice, pro-porn, pro-military, pro-small gov't, pro-equal taxation, pro-legalization, anti-gov't handouts and anti-muslim. I guess I'm Political Party fucked, so stop the comparisons of me to the GOP. If you want names I'll roll with Herman Cain, Jim Flores or even a Bill Gates (R.I.P.).

    How was this done?

    In the Medical Industry alone of which I'm intimately familiar with, he's punished my employer for providing great benefits, increasing my payroll contribution 340% and implement 5K in upfront deductibles, 2.5k in 80/20 out of pocket…..yeah that's Obama and slice it anyway you want it's a tax, it's not optional. And do I really need to go into quoting Obama on how the rich should pay more? I mean come on, you appear to be somewhat well read.

    Jimmy Carter, his Mommy and Daddy were farmers and had money too…….Jimmy just wasn't smart enough to wrangle it from all the heirs and pay off Daddy's debts.
    gyver likes this.
  6. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    It's such a bullshit charge from the 2008 campaign and so non-relevant to a sitting president that even Limbaugh has moved on. When the guy was a terrorist, Obama was a child. When Obama knew him 30 years later, he was a university professor like Obama. They have never been "associated" except in the small minds of political hacks.

    Clearly you have no idea, darlin'.

    Just stating the facts, Ma'am. Gyver asked me about Bush and Romney and I had addressed them in the post that you responded to. Who else could you have been referring to when you mentioned CEO's running for President.

    When it walks like a duck and talks like a duck and looks like a duck . . . it's a duck. Your socially liberal side doesn't come out much.

    It's a big world. My premiums went down. People like Stevescooking who was uninsurable now can get insurance. There are 8 million stories in the Naked City. Sorry, you are too young to get that reference.

    Jimmuh was smart enough, but he was a pussy.
  7. gyver

    gyver Rely on yourself not on others.

    Sep 29, 2011
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    Congress would look like the drivers meeting at Daytona. When they are in session Pit Row would be a great nickname for it.
    ParadiseiNC likes this.
  8. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    So lame and forgettable you remembered to respond to it....

    Goofy dude, goofy.
  9. gyver

    gyver Rely on yourself not on others.

    Sep 29, 2011
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    I'll give Barry credit for a couple of things.
    Spending money like no other president
    And dividing the country. Raising taxes. He's done a pretty good job at that also.
    One more. Bill should crown Barry Slick Barry instead of willy. Obama has definitely been able to weasel out of more scandals than Clinton did.
    Winston1 likes this.
  10. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Well, that's never happened before! :rolleyes:

    When scandals don't stick, then they were phony scandals in the first place. Iran-Contra never stuck to Reagan, Monica never stuck to The Slick One (that didn't come out right, somehow . . . ) and none of these contrived "scandals" are sticking to Teflon Barry. Life's a bitch, ain't it!

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