Michigan and Notre Dame Exposed as Frauds

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by CalcoTiger, Dec 29, 2018.

  1. furduknfish

    furduknfish #ohnowesuckagain

    Sep 11, 2006
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    You'd think but apparently you havent visited their sites.
    1. LSU is the dirtiest team college (for realz).
    2. The score was close.
    3. The refs were biased (double for realz).

    Moral victories abound...
  2. furduknfish

    furduknfish #ohnowesuckagain

    Sep 11, 2006
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    The fantasy is strong in that bunch.
  3. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    It’s not what they think. Fug’em I’m talking about the rest of college football. As @furduknfish says they’re delusional.
    lsu-i-like likes this.
  4. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    In THAT game, minus 8 starters, they may have. With all our defense vs their starting qb, no dam way.
  5. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    "Leaving out P5 conferences is not viable moving forward." Recently you've also suggested that regions shouldn't be left out as well.

    Evidently you do not recognize the regular season because you're sitting here suggesting it be ignored.

    Another team need to be added because they are from one of the P5 schools. That leads us to Washington. What have they done to earn a place in the playoffs this season? Let's give them a spot in the playoffs and ignore the fact they lost to the 10th ranked team in the SEC. Let's give them a spot after losing to a 7-6 Cal team. And we're setting aside their loss to Oregon.

    But, a three loss team needs to be in the playoffs because it'll offer more competition and it'll include all regions.

    All you've said in this thread has left me with one impression. You a vetted member of the "gang of participation." In other words, "living in a sports world made of participation trophy's."

    Scholarship restrictions were not implemented for competitive balance. Giving teams that are not as good as others a spot to play for the title of being the best in college football isn't going to increase competition in the long run. You're just watering down the pool. You never improve anything by adding weaker elements.
  6. lsu-i-like

    lsu-i-like Playoff advocate

    Sep 8, 2004
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    “Regions” is another way to say P5 conferences.

    I think the importance of the regular season should be protected as much as possible, while giving more access. I used to favor a flexible playoff, but people don’t want a complicated solution. That means you need an elegant solution within a simple framework.

    2018 is only one set of data. But I support putting limits to keep truly undeserving teams out. Giving access to all of CFB will be a boon to the sport in the long term. Giving a true playoff to the sport isn’t watering things down, it is fixing a makeshift system centered around money. The powers that be don’t truly care about who is best, but the fans do.

    I don’t support participation trophies, but I don’t hate the bowls either. Gives winning teams a little momentum and gives us more CFB to watch. Sucks to lose a bowl, but it’s still good to have a chance. Gives you another thing to bitch about if your coach isn’t really doing a great job.

    RE scholarship reductions, I believe it is widely agreed that move evened the playing the field a lot (can’t speak to what initiated that action).

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