Michigan/Neb split NC no one cared

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Geauxld Member, Jun 3, 2004.

  1. Geauxld Member

    Geauxld Member Founding Member

    Jul 19, 2003
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    Michigan/Neb split uncontroversal

    I don't remember much controversy when Michigan and Nebraska split the AP and Coaches Poll.

    I hardly remember one article about it. Here we are still talking about the LSU/USC split and not just us other schools are still debating it on their message boards
  2. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    Thats because when Nebraska and Michigan split and Colorado and Georgia Tech before that was before the BCS which was supposed to prevent "split championships."
  3. TejasTiger

    TejasTiger Founding Member

    Sep 16, 2003
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    First off, I think the fact that, with a BCS in place that had been tweaked to make it nearly impossible for a split NC to take place YET have just that very thing happen is, psychologically speaking, extremely frustrating.

    An LSU national championship---something, deep down inside, many LSU fans wondered if they'd see again, if ever---earned while under BCS guidance should, 99.9 percent of the time, NOT be a shared title.

    But it is. And it pisses me and thousands others off to no end.

    (BTW, Michigan and Nebraska took place the year before the BCS went into effect and, if the BCS had been in place in 1997 the two would have played.)

    Secondly, both were excellent, undefeated teams coming from very tough conferences; USC lost to a 7-6 team and played in what few people east of the Rockies consider a power conference, so there was/is a legitimacy issue among some college football and nearly all LSU fans.

    Perhaps USC's schedule wasn't BYU-like easy or anything, but popping the likes of UCLA and Arizona State week in, week out isn't exactly awe-inspiring.

    Finally, there was the sense that Tom Osborne really deserved a title before it got to be too late. That certainly factored into it as well.
  4. Ralph_Wiggum

    Ralph_Wiggum Founding Member

    Oct 6, 2003
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    The Michigan-Nebraska split occurred since the big ten and pac ten wasn't in the bcs. For a few seasons before you had the bowl coalition which tried to match 1 and 2 w/o the big ten and pac ten.

    Michigan was no. 1 I think in both polls before the bowl games and Nebraska got the sympathy vote from the other coaches. More coaches liked Osborne than Carr. Michigan is one of the programs that is known for the most negative recruiting and not very popular with other coaches.
  5. Hub

    Hub Founding Member

    Sep 2, 2001
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    Something about the BCS I have wondered since the end of the season last year:

    The strength of schedule component was the difference between us and USC being in the Sugar. If I remember correctly the SOS is "scored" off of all of your opponents games except your game with them. Also, until you played team "X" there schedule was not factored into your SOS.

    As you know it took until the final game for LSU to surpass USC b/c of SOS.

    My thought has been if your SOS doesn't include your game against your opponents then why add there schedule as you play them instead just starting from Week 1 of the season with all of your opponents factored in.

    My point being had they used my scenario would we have been ahead of USC all along and there wouldn't have been this "shock" passing them in the polls at the 11th hour, thus, further contributing to this NC controversy.

    Thoughts, if any of this made sense? :)
  6. Geaux5000

    Geaux5000 Founding Member

    Oct 14, 2002
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    yea but under that system all 8-4 teams are equal. There is no difference between Florida and Hawaii.
  7. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    One thing they should do is to give a team credit for the ranking of a team they beat at the time they played them. Georgia was ranked #4 at the time LSU beat them in October. Now lets say that UGA had suffered a lot of injuries and because of that had lost several games after that. It still shouldn't affect LSU BCS rating later on because the day that LSU beat them UGA would still have been worthy of their high ranking. So if they did it that way the October win would still count as much in November and December as it did in October. Just because a team has misfortune and is not a good team anymore in late fall as they were early in the season dosen't mean that the winning team didn't beat a good team at the time the game was played.
  8. Geaux5000

    Geaux5000 Founding Member

    Oct 14, 2002
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    The problem with that is overrated teams. How many bonus points would USC have gotten for beating Auburn?
  9. Hub

    Hub Founding Member

    Sep 2, 2001
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    If I'm not mistaken that is how the system is. Florida and Hawaii's 8-4 record are weighted the same when the Gator's is obviously tougher. Along these lines, another thought I had is SEC schools should always schedule upper echelon MAC teams instead of the ULM's of the world. It's almost a sure victory and the top 4 teams in the MAC are going to atleast be 8-3 or 7-4

    I'm just saying from week 1 all of your opponents w-l record should be factored into your sos instead of adding them as you play them.

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