“We don’t sustain finishing second very well,” Miles said. “It’s, it’s, it’s hard to do. We work awfully hard. I’m not talking about the coaches. I’m talking about everybody in the program. … It’s time to make strong adjustments, get it done right, make big plays and right this thing. It’s got to be all of us.”-Les Miles 11-22-08 When reading this what do you think he is saying? Just curious how people interpret this quote.
Sounds like a typical Les Miles interview statement that doesn't really say much of anything. I'd think more of the "strong adjustments" statement if we hadn't already heard him say similar things after Florida, Georgia, etc. But to be fair, Les isn't the type to hang Mallory/Peveto out to dry in the media even if that's what he eventually intends to do privately.
One thing I noted listening to the post-game show was that Miles, without being asked, brought up the fake punt, saying it WAS man coverage and someone left his man (obviously).
Yeah I would have to go with this. Miles is a good man. He won't slam his coaches. That would shock me. Typical coach speak is all.
there will be some pretty drastic changes. Miles is fed up with a lot of stuff. And no, the D-Coordinators are not the only ones on the hot-seat.
I would say the same thing. Generic Miles speak but certainly meaningful enough to say, there are going to be changes. But, yes. I think some folks are starting to recognize this goes beyond just the Co-D thing. When you look at the fake punt there were 3 guys bunched at the line as the guy peeled into the secondary. The more I watch of LSU d, it's undisciplined, un smart d by the players. The little plays going the other teams way are HUGE and those are the plays we usually should have and would have in a year where we don't lose 4 games. But, the issue here is do you blame the players, the coaches, or yourself? I mean guys like Petersen, Hawkins, Taylor are in their first years--so you hope they learn that playing smart is more important than making the highlight play. But, are they missing assignments b/c they're not getting it, or not being coached properly? That's what Miles has to figure out and change.
I remember Eugene Daniles burning a redshirt and making big plays when he had less experience that Peterson. Daniels made a couple of big plays the first time he stepped on the field that probably saved our first SECC in about twenty years. I don't buy the youth excuse. Our defensive backs, as shown by Peterson yesterday, don't have clue as to the technique of pass defense.