"Moderate islam Does Not Exist"

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by spikke, Mar 5, 2010.

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  1. spikke

    spikke Veteran Member

    Feb 24, 2010
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    YouTube - The Terrible Truth About Hamas

    Someone pinch me. Hannity actually let Mosab Hassan Yousef, brave heroic apostate out of Islam, speak uninterrupted on his show about Islam. This subject matter is never spoken of honestly on Fox, let alone on Hannity. They fear it.
    Mosab Hassan Yousef is the son of a jailed Hamas terrorist leader and MP, Sheikh Hassan Yousef, the most popular figure in that extremist Islamic organization. Mosab, as a young man, assisted his father for years in his political activities. He converted to Christianity and operated undercover in the service of Israel's intelligence agency for a decade. Yousef reveals this information in an upcoming book, Son of Hamas: A Gripping Account of Terror, Betrayal, Political Intrigue, and Unthinkable Choices.
    Tonight Sean Hannity broke the media taboo and had him on the show. Kudos.
    Mosab Hassan Yousef: "The god of the Koran hates Jews anyway, if there was "occupation" or not"
    The problem is with the god of Islam"
    "this is not about being brainwashing, this is how people grow up everything around you in that society school, street every evet is telling you those facts about Islam."

    Hannity: We keep hearing about that there is a distinction, the difference between radical Islam and mainstream Islam
    Mosab Hassan Yousef: This is a big mistake. Comparing between moderate Muslims and fanatics. This is not how we compare it. All Muslims to me are the same. At the end of the day they believe in the god of the koran and they believe that this koran is from that god.

    Hannity: You're saying that most Muslims think that jihad is where they need to go
    Mosab Hassan Yousef: It's not their choice. If they believe that the koran is from the word of god ...........

    Hannity: So let me ask this again. So when people talk about moderate Islam, you're saying it doesn't exist?
    Mosab Hassan Yousef: It doesn't exist.
    The most criminal terrorist Muslim has morality, a minimum of humanity more than his god. Their god is a terrorist and ignorant.

    Pigs Flying Moment on Hannity: "Moderate islam Does Not Exist" - Atlas Shrugs
  2. flabengal

    flabengal Founding Member

    Apr 3, 2003
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    Well, assuming this is true for moment, what do you do about it? We can't go wiping all the Muslims off the planet....
  3. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    obviously absurd. religions, being made up and based on stupid nonsense and nothing real, can be infinitely interpreted.

    just as there are moderate christians who do not adhere strictly to the bible, there are moderate muslims. i mean, seriously, if you adhere strictly to the bible, you wouldnt eat shrimp and all manner of other absurd things. everyone picks and chooses from a huge pile of random and mostly contradictory crap in the holy books. so even though the koran might say you should kill all infidels (like god did periodically in the bible old testament) not every muslim believes that.
  4. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Not seeing the downside.
    2 people like this.
  5. Bengal Buddy

    Bengal Buddy Founding Member

    Dec 25, 2004
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    Clearly there are moderate Islamics who interpret the Koran quite differently than do the radicals.
  6. flabengal

    flabengal Founding Member

    Apr 3, 2003
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    Bengal Buddy:

    I agree with you...just not sure the policy of the US would be so different in either case. The Soviet Union was armed to the teeth and Communist ideology was full of worldwide aspirations not to mention on one occasion a Soviet leader pledging to "bury" the West.

    We didn't really do much except rely on our military strength to deter hostilities and wait for Communism to collapse from the inside.

    I would suggest we do the same in this case...
  7. OkieTigerTK

    OkieTigerTK Tornado Alley

    Jan 3, 2005
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    one strategy does not necessarily work on two completely different enemies.

    the old soviet union was a traditional military with a centralized and identifiable government.

    radical islam is suicide bombers and terrorists operating through different organizations and cells operating very independently of each other. there will be no collapsing from within to take down radical islamists/terrorists.
  8. spikke

    spikke Veteran Member

    Feb 24, 2010
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    So according to you that Muslim must be a liar? I guess that means Wafa Sultan, Nonie Darwish, Ali Sina, Ibn Warraq, and many other Muslim apostates sounding the alarm about Islam are all simultaneously lying.

    The truth is you are ignorantly equating Islam to Christianity and any other religion, but Islam is maybe 5 or 6 percent religion and the rest of Islam is a radical totalitarian belief system that not only controls every single aspect of its adherents lives, down to the smallest detail, but also calls for the subjugation of the world via the imposition of Sharia (Islamic Law). Let me ask you…what other religion beside Islam has its own law? And what other religion besides Islam calls for the subjugation of the entire world?

    Not only that but Muslims are inculcated to hate democracy, because democracy emanates from manmade laws, meaning they are by definition fallible, while Sharia law, on the other hand, emanates directly from God and is therefore perfect and infallible.

    Moreover, unlike any other religion Islam is a religion of submission. In fact, Islam in Arabic means to submit, and all Muslims must submit to the will of Allah at the same time that they must also surrender their own free will. Thus, all devout Muslims believe they are the slave of Allah and must implement his will.

    In addition, there is no freedom of conscience or speech allowed in Islam, as any Muslim who openly questions the will of Allah is declared a blasphemer and unless he repents, he will be executed.

    Likewise, once a Muslim always a Muslim, because if a Muslim apostatizes from Islam he becomes Murtadd, and all Murtadds must be executed. However, this is not to say that some Muslims don’t manage to escape to the West where they can then apostatize in relative safety, and where a few courageous ones are risking their lives to sound the alarm. However, Muslims living in the Dar al Islam don’t have that option. They must either fake it or die.

    Nonetheless, what other religion requires death for blasphemy and apostates. Only Islam does, yet you are equating Islam to Christianity and other religions.

    Further, if the majority of the Muslims in the world are moderate Muslims as you claim, then look inside their countries and tell me why in every Muslim country in the world where non-Muslim kafir infidels also reside, why with the exception of some former Soviet Union countries where Islam was long suppressed, are those non-Muslim kafir infidels always systematically persecuted, harshly discriminated against, and often violently oppressed and killed?

    I mean if it is true that the majority Muslims in the world are moderate, then why do the majority of those so-called moderate Muslims persecute, discriminate against, and oppress the non-Muslim kafir infidels living in their countries? Obviously because the existence of a moderate Islam is a myth.
  9. spikke

    spikke Veteran Member

    Feb 24, 2010
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    Another guy claiming that ex Muslim is a liar.

    Of course, not all Muslims interpret everything in the Koran and the Sunnah identically. However, when it comes to the principle of abrogation, which says that the verses issued late in Muhammad’s career when he was a very rich and powerful warlord abrogate the verses Muhammad issued earlier in his career when he was very weak and vulnerable.

    As a matter of fact, this principle of abrogation is also accepted and taught by all schools of Islamic jurisprudence that altogether guide the various sects and branches of Islam. Indeed, the doors to ijtihad have been closed for over a thousand years, meaning that the interpretations of Islam cannot ever be changed or altered in any way.

    In any event, the problem with the principle of abrogation, which is accepted all devout Muslims and taught by all schools of Islamic jurisprudence, is the most violent verses of the Koran that call for the subjugation of all non-Muslim kafir infidels were some of the last verses issued by Muhammad right before he died and as a result those verses abrogate all the earlier peaceful verses of the Koran, which are the same verses the Muslims love to cite to gullible kafir infidels to deceive them into believing that Islam is really a Religion of Peace™.
  10. spikke

    spikke Veteran Member

    Feb 24, 2010
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    Who even suggest that? Nevertheless, should we continue to let Muslims immigrate to America? I mean can you point to any non-Muslim country in the world where mass Muslim immigration has occurred where the majority of the Muslim immigrants assimilated and integrated instead of forming Muslim no-go zones ruled by Sharia and in direct contravention to the laws of the state?

    How about pointing to a non-Muslim country where Muslims have immigrated in mass that hasn’t inevitably become the victim of Islamic terrorist attacks?

    How about pointing to a non-Muslim country where Muslims have immigrated in mass that hasn’t had to double or triple the amount of resources it devotes to protecting the homeland?

    The fact of the matter is Muslims don’t immigrate to assimilate and integrate. Instead, they only immigrate to infiltrate and to one day make Islam supreme. Indeed, it’s a form of non-violent stealth jihad called demographic conquest.
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