"Moderate islam Does Not Exist"

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by spikke, Mar 5, 2010.

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  1. spikke

    spikke Veteran Member

    Feb 24, 2010
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    Islam is a very violent totalitarian ideology that masquerades as being a religion and it should be reclassified in the West to reflect what it really is. In any event, Muslims can’t be assimilated and integrated period; at least not as long as they remain Muslims, while millions of Spanish speaking Catholics, on the other hands, already have been successfully assimilated.

    In addition, I most definitely believe in immigration, as it is critical to us maintaining our viability. However, that doesn’t mean that it would not be incredibly destructive to reward millions of illiterate and unskilled illegal immigrants and their families with amnesty, because the overwhelming vast majority of them would inevitably become permanent wards of the states for generations to come if not permanently.

    I’m all for immigration. However, at the same time I’m totally against allowing people who are completely incompatible with our society to immigrate. During our immigration hey days, most of the immigrants came from Europe looking for more and better opportunity and most of those immigrants on average were more educated and skilled than average Americans. Thus, they instantly became contributing and productive members of society.

    However, thanks to the late Ted Kennedy and other delusional Leftists, our current immigration laws today prioritize immigrants from third world countries that not only don’t have anything in common with our society, but also aren’t educated or skilled enough to become contributing and productive members of our society.

    Indeed, our entire immigration program is broken and desperately needs to be reworked and redesigned from the ground up, but it will never happen as long as we keep electing political correct multicultural loons like the last 4 presidents we elected.

    Unskilled and uneducated illegal Mexican immigrants don’t want to subjugate us the same way that only the Muslims are obligated to do. Instead, they just want to leech off us for generations to come.
  2. spikke

    spikke Veteran Member

    Feb 24, 2010
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    I don’t know what you are smoking but that dude isn’t even a Muslim. He is a Christian and a Muslim apostate that like many other courageous Muslim apostates now living in the West is also trying to sound the alarm regarding the true nature of Islam.

    Your problem is because Islam claims to be a religion, like a fool you ignorantly equate it with Christianity, when Islam in reality really is a violent totalitarian ideology that calls for the subjugation of the world.

    Nevertheless, if you don’t believe me, then study the texts and tenants of Islam and also its extremely violent history. Christianity can’t whole a candle to Islam when it comes to oppression and violence.

    Read your own damn posts! And then in the very next sentence you morally equate Christianity with Islam again:

    Yeah…the Crusades were a direct response to over 500 years of Islamic conquest when Islam conquered over half of Christendom. You obviously have been fed bull**** by leftwing secularists meant to vilify and demonize Christianity.

    Nevertheless, the Balkans, Anatolia, Armenia, Iraq, good parts of the Arabian Peninsular, the Levant, and all of North Africa were Christian long before they ever became Muslim, and the Crusades were a direct response to Islamic conquest.

    Actually, Islam is a very violent totalitarian ideology that masquerades as being a religion.

    There you go again…you can’t help yourself! In any event, why do secular leftwing loons always vilify and demonize Christianity at the mere mention of Islam? It’s like a switch is flipped on and suddenly you guys all morph into demons attacking Christianity at the mere mention of Islam, at the same time you all also deny that you are morally equating Islam to Christianity. Hell, you couldn’t go into instant vilify Christianity mode if you weren’t morally equating Christianity to Islam.

    Nonetheless, why can’t you guys just discuss Islam on its own merits without resorting to vilifying and demonizing Christians at the same time that you also incite hatred and violence towards Christians?

    And again he goes into instant vilification and demonization of Christianity mode because he morally equates Christianity with Islam. To him any discussion of Islam represents just another opportunity to vilify and demonize Christianity and incite hatred and violence towards Christians. In fact, in case you don’t realize it your religious bigotry is very palpable dude. Indeed, it is very obsessive and also exceedingly excessive!

    As a matter of fact, if anyone would be dumb enough to listen to you and your ilk, they would end up believing that Christianity represents a far bigger threat to mankind than even Islam. Talk about oblivious.

    Totally obsessed!

    One of your problems is you are so fixated on vilifying and demonizing Christianity that you don’t realize that by far most of the jihad in the world takes place via non-violent stealth means. Believe it or not, just because a Muslim isn’t trying to publicly slit your throat, it doesn’t mean they are moderate.

    christian god called in 7 plagues, he flooded the whole damn world and killed everyone except noah, he trashed cities with brimstone all manner of crap. o my goodness does chrstian god love to kill an infidel. he will flood the whole damn planet and drown everyone if he has to! how can you forget this? this is like the most famous thing in the bible, dude. god drowned EVERYONE except noah, who apparently was a real gentleman

    Indeed, he is so obsessed with vilifying and demonizing Christianity in order to incite hatred and violence towards Christians that even though the topic at hand is so-called moderate Islam, he can’t help himself and just has to take this opportunity to attack Christianity and Christians like the religious bigot he is. Indeed, the more you mention Islam, the more he vilifies and demonizes Christianity and Christians. The dude is totally obsessed, but yet he never morally equates Christianity with Islam.

    Claiming that you personally know moderate Muslims is the oldest trick in the book. First of all, it obviously is not true and thus you are lying and even if you did personally know Muslims how would you know what’s really in their heart? Not to mention that it is also haram for Muslims to befriend kafir infidels. So they may appear outwardly to be friendly, in reality in their hearts they hate your guts.

    Give me a break dude, the only thing you know how to do is vilify and demonize Christianity in order to incite hatred and violence towards Christians like an obsessed bigot. Seek mental help for your severe mental problems.
  3. spikke

    spikke Veteran Member

    Feb 24, 2010
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    I’m listening and all I hear is you vilifying and demonizing Christianity and inciting hatred and violence towards Christians at the mere mention of the word Islam. Indeed, I don’t even know what Christianity has to do with Islam, but nonetheless to you it is an opportunity to go into hyper vilification mode with respect to Christianity, at the same time you also try to apologize for and sympathize with Muslims.

    How do you know? I mean all you know how to do is obsessively demonize Christians anytime the word Islam gets mentioned, at the same time you also try to apologize for and sympathize with them

    The guy is a Christian who happens to be a former Muslim. He knows 100 times more about Islam than you will ever come close to knowing, and moreover this guy is far from being alone, as he is one of many ex-Muslims who are now sounding the alarm regarding Islam.

    In addition, it’s not my fault that you believe all Christians are far worse than Muslims.

    All I understand is you are obsessed with vilifying Christians at the same time you also apologize for and sympathize with Muslims.
  4. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    My wife's best friend is muslim, and she is not radical, and let me ask you something spikke, unless you are a full blooded american indian, there is a pretty damn good chance that your ancestors immigrated here too. That is what this country is about. Not isolationism.
  5. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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  6. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    not sure whay that is relevant. you simply are not listening. the fact is there are plenty of moderate muslims. again, please pay attention here:

    if you claim that moderate muslims are not true muslims, that means all muslims are in fact radical, and you are constructing a pointless logical tautology.

    again, there is no "true nature" of any religion. they are all infinitely interpretable. the guys who think islam tells them to murder are no more right than the dudes who think islam is about peace. those books are interpretable, you know. who are you to define a "true" muslim?

    yeah, leftwing, thats me.

    look, i get it, you are christian. you should have just said that.

    islam is certainly terrible, i will grant you that.

    i dunno if i was inciting violence towards christians. hatred, kinda yeah, i guess. no big deal.

    i know, i think religions are stupid and i am a bigot that way. not really a secret. i guess i am not politically correct like red. i am ok with a little bigotry from time to time. i should note here that christians are idiots.

    i like the way you said that.

    not sure why you think that, given that i think islam is clearly more dangerous. although to be fair, i can imagine a time in the future when christianity brings back the violence and takes the lead again.

    i guess. the muslims i deal with mostly drive me home in taxis when i am wasted, or sell me very tasty halal food. god bless em.

    hi five, bro

    i hope they do not spit in my gyros
  7. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    ok i admit that when you are that absurd you are kinda funny.
  8. spikke

    spikke Veteran Member

    Feb 24, 2010
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    Well, to begin in all probability you are lying since it is haram (forbidden) for Muslims to befriend non-Muslim kafir infidels. Now this doesn’t mean that they can’t appear outwardly friendly, but nonetheless they must hate your guts in their hearts.

    Moreover, why would you stupidly believe that a Muslim who is over here in the USA to infiltrate us would openly appear and act like they are radical? I mean do CIA personnel when they infiltrate another foreign country openly act like they are guilty of something?

    How could you be so ignorant that you would naively believe you could tell if a Muslim is radical or not just by observing his or her behavior? Indeed, according to you if they don’t have a suicide belt strapped around their waste, then that must mean they are moderate and peaceful, even though the vast overwhelming majority of jihad that takes place in the world takes place via non-violent and stealth means.

    So what and when did I ever claim I’m against immigration? You must have me confused with that other genius flabengal. And no…this country is not about allowing the enemy to infiltrate our country so that they can subvert us to one day make Islam supreme.

    In any event, if you believe that Muslims immigrate to assimilate and integrate and matriculate into becoming contributing and productive members of society, then by all means please point to just one Western country in the world where mass Muslim immigration has occurred and where the majority of the Muslim immigrants have assimilated and integrated instead of forming Muslim no-go zones ruled by Sharia and in direct contravention to the laws of the states in which they reside?

    Nevertheless, I have no doubt that you will ignore the above question.

    In any event, other than honor killings, genital mutilation, oppression of gays, institutionalized oppression of women and non-Muslim dhimmis, institutionalized prejudice against all non-Muslim kafir infidels, extreme bigotry against Jews and other non-Muslim kafir infidels, riots against Israel, rampant anti-Semitism, worldwide riots against Muhammad cartoons, violence, riots, and condemnations against any and all criticism of Islam, legitimate or otherwise, Islamic supremacism, refusal to assimilate and integrate, backwardness, barbarianism, intimidation, constant demands for Islamic Sharia Law, Muslim no go zones, incessant claims of victimhood, false, fake, and non-existent claims of discrimination and persecution, exploitation of our freedoms and laws for the purpose of subverting us and using those laws against us to eventually make Islam supreme, subversion to remove all obstacles to the eventual imposition of Islamic Sharia Law, incessant threats of terrorism, and more Islamic terrorist attacks, what do Muslims have to contribute to American society that makes all their excess baggage worth it all?

    Indeed, in response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the Bush administration stupidly doubled the size of our federal government and federal spending, how many more times do you want to double the size of our federal government and federal spending? Aren’t $1.6 trillion deficits enough for you? You want to raise them even higher?

    Can’t you understand that if there is no Muslim immigration and no Muslims living in America to begin with that there is no possibility of Islamic terrorist attacks in America and no need to double and triple the size of our federal government just to protect ourselves from further Islamic terrorist attacks.

    Or do you believe like General Casey that it is more important that we maintain our adherence to diversity and political correct multiculturalism and bankrupt the federal government at the same time, because the rest of the world would inevitably hate us and view us as racists and bigots?

    Or is it you like the patriot act and believe that the federal government should steal more of our rights from us in the name of protecting us?

    Moreover, why don’t we have the right to limit who we let in our country? Are you like the late Teddy Kennedy in that you believe that we should only let in dark skinned refugees from third world countries who not only don’t have anything in common with American society but also don’t possess the education and skills to become contributing and productive members of societies and thus inevitably become permanent wards of the state?

    What is so wrong with limiting immigration to only those people that are compatible with American society and that already possess the education and skills to instantly become contributing and productive members of our society as opposed to becoming instant wards of the state?

    Sure it’s true that the USA is a nation of immigrants. Nevertheless, during our immigration hey days, the vast overwhelming majority of those immigrants came from Europe, meaning they were perfectly compatible with American society, and the vast overwhelming majority of them were not only better educated than the average American but more skilled as well. Thus, they instantly became contributing and productive members of our society instead of instant wards of the state ala that late loon Teddy Kennedy who royally and intentionally screwed up our immigration system.

    Hence, I am not against sensible immigration by any means. However, I am currently against our royally screwed up immigration system that was intentionally setup that way by that late self-hating loon Teddy Kennedy in order to deliberately balkanize American society, and therefore make it easier to divide and conquer us.

    I’m sorry, but I don’t celebrate diversity and believe in multiculturalism, since I believe in united we stand, divided we fall, and all that diversity and multiculturalism leads to is divided we fall, and no one understood that better than that late self-hating loon Teddy Kennedy.
  9. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    all humans come from africa, genius.
  10. spikke

    spikke Veteran Member

    Feb 24, 2010
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    Dude stick your tautological argument in your ear, you don’t even know what it means much less what it is!

    Anyway if the canard that Islam is a Religion of Peace™ and the vast overwhelming majority of Muslims in the world are moderate and peaceful, then why is it that when you look inside the Dar al Islam and inside individual Muslim countries where the vast majority of Muslims in the world today live do we see kafir infidels that also reside there always being systematically persecuted, discriminated against, and often violently oppressed? Is that the way that moderate and peaceful people act in your book?

    In addition, if Islam is a Religion of Peace™ and the vast overwhelming majority of Muslims in the world are moderate and peaceful, then why when we look inside Western countries where mass Muslim immigration has occurred, do we see the majority of Muslim immigrants forming Muslim no-go zones ruled by Sharia and in direct contravention to the laws of the states in which they reside, instead of the majority of those Muslim immigrants integrating and assimilating and matriculating into becoming contributing and productive members of society.

    I mean it couldn’t be anymore obvious that Muslims only immigrate for the purposes of demographic conquest and to one day make Islam supreme. As a matter of fact, everywhere in the world where mass Muslim immigration has occurred it inevitably turned into an unmitigated disaster for the host country. Indeed, the notion that Islam is a Religion of Peace™ and the vast overwhelming majority of Muslims in the world are moderate and peaceful is demonstrably false and obviously a myth.

    I mean if Islam is a Religion of Peace™ and the vast overwhelming majority of Muslims in the world are moderate and peaceful, then why do the refuse to preach and teach against the jihad ideology? And why isn’t their silence with respect to terrorist attackes deafening to you? It is to me.

    Actually, if you weren’t an ignoramus making idiotic assertions about something you don’t have the first clue about maybe you would know that the doors to ijtihad have been closed and locked for over a thousand years. Thus, the interpretations of Islam are already totally fixed and can’t ever be changed. Which, by the way, makes it impossible for Islam to ever be reformed for all you wishful thinkers.

    Wrong again. I’m an agnostic. However, I don’t subscribe to revisionist history and leftwing propaganda like you do.

    No big deal…seek mental help for your severe mental issues.

    It’s more than just a little dude. You are totally obsessed!

    Thank you. It’s very obvious.

    Actually, if you weren’t an inculcated loon, you would know that Christianity abhors violence. Indeed, I challenge you to find one passage in the Christian bible, the New Testament that advocates violence?

    Every time you claim interaction with Muslims you make a bigger fool out of yourself. As a matter of fact, Muslim taxi cab drivers wouldn’t even let you into their taxicabs if you were drunk or have a dog with you, even if you are blind, and if you halfway paid attention maybe you would already know that, as the Muslim taxi cab drivers from Minneapolis, MN were in the news for weeks over that BS.

    They would probably sh!t in them, if they haven’t already.

    It’s not absurd. It’s very obvious to anyone who reads your post that you are an obsessive/compulsive religious bigot.
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