My Interview with Nick Saban....

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by SportsChick, Jan 11, 2004.

  1. SportsChick

    SportsChick Freshman

    Dec 19, 2003
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    First Off, How Bout Dem TIGAHS!!!!

    I thought you Tiger Fans might enjoy the "real" interview with Nick Saban.

    It's just for fun.
    You guys can try it too.

    It's on the banner at the top.
    Also Good Luck to MC. I hope he continues the trait of Tigers kicking butt in the NFL.

    Nick Saban Interview
  2. mesquite tiger

    mesquite tiger Diabolical Genius

    Sep 16, 2003
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    couple of things:

    A. what business is it of ours anyways? There are many sites that have pictures of girls wearing a bathing suit on them, do you ask all their models the same thing?

    B. she is posting here as a Tiger fan and about sports in general, not about her physical features.

    C. yall act like you have never seen an attractive woman before...get a life.

    sports radio is all about using hot women to promote themselves today. go to any sports radio site and you will see this. www. is a good example here in Dallas. men who like sports usually like attractive women.

    you are all really showing your age and immaturity by being stupid on this thread in my opinion. Maybe we should not let any women post here since they cannot post and be treated as an equal............................

    Grow up!
  3. G_MAN113

    G_MAN113 Founding Member

    Nov 10, 2003
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    Hell, I e-mailed her asking her out to dinner next time she's in N.O.
  4. LSU

    LSU Founding Member

    Oct 22, 2003
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    The maturity of both Mule Skinner and SportsChick is questionable. If one advertises him or herself as primarily a "piece of meat" (and perhaps secondarily as a "brain") as evidenced by the webpage it is difficult to condemn more harshly a person who treats that person as how that person displays him or herself. Advertise yourself as an object, rather than a subject, and chances are people who are concerned only with the more base things in life will treat you as an object rather than a subject.

    It seems both are only concerned with what is accidental, as most of us are from time to time if not constantly. If a person happens to be endowed with an exceptional talent, such as good looks, athletic ability, or brains and builds a life based upon any one of these, then his or her life is based on an accident. It depends on the accident of possessing one of these endowments, and it also depends on the accident of keeping it. A life based on an accident can be swept away by an accident, such an injury in sport, or by a stroke which can reduce a genius to an idiot. Good looks fade. Then a life based on any one of these is gone: that person, that identity, no longer exists.

    People who base their lives on accidents are most susceptible to exploitation, as what has allowed them to succeed so far is the accidental rather than the essential dignity bestowed upon each person as a result of being a human created in the image of God. Is the explicit exploitation of Mule Skinner any worse than the implicit exploitation by people who would care less about such a person should she be unattractive?

    I suppose we have no rights as people living in a "free" country to question the actions of other people so long as their actions "don't hurt anyone other than the person who acts." And don't get me wrong; I don't think wearing a bathing suit is some sort of crime. However, what I see happening here is just an example of a disease endemic to humanity, and especially apparent in what has become "Western un-civilization." It reflects the ignorance of a people who when asked, "What is significant about a person" respond, "How funny (attractive, athleticm, etc.) he or she is." I'm reminded of Plato's description of a person who one day trains very hard at a gym. The next day he is debauched at a party. In time his life has neither law or order; and this distracted existence he terms joy and bliss and freedom. According to the founders of American democarcy, to do whatever you like whenever you like is not a principle of democracy. They believed in moral principles that were higher than any individual's wishes. Unrestrained personal freedom assumes that there are no genuine standards of good and evil that have legitimate authority over us. Freedom, when understood to imply that there is nothing higher than our personal preferences, limits rather than liberates.
  5. mesquite tiger

    mesquite tiger Diabolical Genius

    Sep 16, 2003
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    Hey LSU...good post. Point recieved......

  6. Ellis Hugh

    Ellis Hugh Space Wrangler

    Aug 9, 2001
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    For those of you wondering if you missed something - I deleted a few posts on this thread that had nothing to do with LSU.
  7. Ole War Skule

    Ole War Skule Founding Member

    Sep 10, 2002
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    Hey LSU !!

    NICE post !!!!

    I'd sure like see more of that 'round here...
  8. HatcherTiger

    HatcherTiger Freedom Isn't Free

    Oct 24, 2002
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    LSU, you learned well at LSU !

    A friend of mine (LSU Alum) spent part of the evening, by a chance encounter, with Chancellor Emmert's wife. The talked turned to my freind's daughter's desire not to attend because of its alleged image as a sports school. The Chancellor's wife then proceeded to tell my wife about all the wonderful academic activities taking place at LSU, the enourmous financial support the university has, the number of patents it helps generate etc. She wants to give my friend's daughter a personal tour of the schhol. I am proud of LSU as an institution, academically, sports and all the way around. I felt that way when I was there. While we as part of this forum are keenly interesed in LSU sports program, let us not forget how great a school in many other ways.

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