Navy SEALs were murdered

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by uscvball, Apr 11, 2014.

  1. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Service in the armed forces is an excellent thing to put on a resume, especially service in an elite unit. They are far more than "trained killers". They are smart guys, trained to be perceptive, resourceful, effective and to work with resolve. Assets for a lot of civilian work. One I know now works for Boeing teaching people how to design effective military helicopters.

    Heroin and needles were found in their quarters on board. They died of respiratory and heart failure according to the autopsy. We call this evidence. More testing to assess the presence of heroin in their bodies is being conducted. That will be fairly conclusive.

    They have been cited by the local investigators and are in the possession of US investigators. In time there will be a formal hearing on this. Where are the witnesses to CIA mischief and government coverups?

    The families and friends always deny any wrongdoing. Come on! And yes, partying hard like that does sound at odds with their roles in their families. But consider also what the company that hired them said.

    Kevin N. Speers, a senior director for Maersk Line, said in a statement that the security contractors boarded the vessel January 29 and that their deaths were "not related to vessel operations or their duties as security personnel."

    The Maersk Alabama is "persistently in high-risk areas since she provides feeder service to the east coast of Africa," Speers said in a statement.

    "Contracted security is part of anti-piracy protection plans to safeguard crews and vessels," Speers said.
    According to The New York Times, Reynolds and Kennedy told friends that on the open sea, the real enemy is boredom. A night off in a liberty port in a resort city to let off some steam after long days at sea doesn't seem all that hard to believe.

    I consider what has been reported until different reports come out. I surely ain't making scenarios up. I believe that an investigation continues and that it will eventually answer these questions.

    Well, no one is going to provide you with proof, but it doesn't mean that proof doesn't exist. More thorough and unbiased investigators will assess it all.

    Indeed. It's easy to create scenarios. Much more difficult to prove them. No investigation has charged anyone with anything more than lax security in Benghazi and an ambassador that that should not have even been there.

    I don't think you are loco at all, I sometime make loony statements myself just to crank a discussion up a notch. But neither do I think your suspicions are grounded in truth. I think you are suspicious of everything the government is involved in . . . even a situation like the deaths of ex-SEALs that is not even a government matter. They were not working for the government and were not even on duty. Not one report has mentioned the CIA or a government conspiracy. I have looked diligently.
  2. gyver

    gyver Rely on yourself not on others.

    Sep 29, 2011
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    Stevens was there on official business. Hillary ignored emails for months about security issues at the compound. Barry and the bitch tried to convince the American public for 3 weeks that it was movie related. She even said that to the families of the deceased faces.
    She's already shown what kjnd of president she would make. I can't believe the democrats would even consider running her on the ticket.
    She'd be more of a clustertfuck than Barry is.I can't imagine anyone in their right mind voting for her anyway.
  3. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    Some are more and some aren't. Some have a number in the 100's. How does that translate to a resume? What of those who did work they simply can't talk about? After they left the service, plenty went to work for The Black Group and Blackwater, etc. They sure as hell can't talk about what they did. Exactly what do those folks put on a resume for the "real world" type of job?

    And evidence never gets planted....just ask those involved in the OJ trial.

    And all of that came from whom? A Seychelles police "official"? You haven't seen one piece of actual evidence but you don't seem to question the story coming out. I am not that trusting.
    Would you expect there to be witnesses? Heck I am willing to entertain that this was a hit by pirates who wanted to retaliate for global humiliation.

    Actually, the families have said nothing. It's the neighbors, folks who live next to them who don't buy the story either.

    Ha! That same story also reported, "People who knew the men expressed shock that either would have used heroin, and former crew members on the Maersk said drug use was prohibited. When Jeremy White, a former Navy reservist and workout partner of Mr. Kennedy — so clean cut and chiseled that he was nicknamed Captain America — was asked about possible drug use by his friend, he said, “There’s no way you can do their job and that.”

    Thorough? Perhaps. Unbiased? Hell no.

    I can assure you I wasn't attempting to crank up a discussion. I am suspicious because I have seen how easily our government lies and covers up those lies. It matters nothing to me who is in charge at the time. Bush Sr may have been the most shrewd of them all. But I challenge your thinking about the work they might have been doing. Can you say, definitively, that Trident did NOT have a government contract to provide security? Can you say definitively that both of those men were NOT adjunctly working for the CIA? I can't say they were but I will entertain the possibility because I know how it goes.
  4. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    It translates because Army 18 series primary is Teacher/Instructor and ass kicker if they have to be. Sure this is all current situation dictated but for the most part they spend their time training and developing forces for other countries.

    I see many very good points from all and it is impossible to come down on one side or the other and say this/that is right.

    Yes, for the most part these are great guys with families that they care very dearly for. However, I witnessed with my own two eyes an A team doing some very "Unfamily friendly" things with a big fat reservist major from a unit in Hawaii in an abandoned hanger in the Philippines. Not one or two, the whole damn team. Hey, it happens. We had a cooler of San Miguel on ice while we cooked a goat on a make shift pit at the time. Anyway....

    As for how they re-enter society, well a lot of that unfortunately depends on them. I can tell you that upon redeployment (all of them) we were put through the wringer by the wizard. Questions, sessions, private sessions, more forms, more doctors, more questions. The effort is being made, it is up to the individual to say "Hey, I think I might need some help with this"

    I also know quite a few that have been 18 series for quite some time and I can tell you that they have access to far better care than the regular old Army guys do it is only a phone call away. Not near the crap we have to go through standing in lines, making appointments and all that jazz.

    Bottom line, I don't think these guys were juicing up on heroine. I just don't. Is it possible, of course, but I'm not buying it. If for nothing else then it just doesn't seem right.
    gyver likes this.
  5. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    He was there in violation of his own warnings!

    A lie.

    An error, not a conspiracy.
    She polls out beating every potential republican candidate. They would be fools not to run her. Hillary brings Bill back into the White House. That brings the moderates and the Republican women over.
  6. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Well, you are starting to repeat yourself and ask questions I have already answered.

    I have tried to make a logical case that this OD story could be true, but I can see that emotional suspicions are not going to allow you to consider that. I'm just pissing you off at this point, so I'll drop it.

    Until the toxicology report comes in . . . :D
  7. gyver

    gyver Rely on yourself not on others.

    Sep 29, 2011
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    Keep drinking the Kool aid red.
  8. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Funny how I am not dead from it, Cuz. Perhaps I know what I'm talking about.
  9. gyver

    gyver Rely on yourself not on others.

    Sep 29, 2011
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    If your in a country. At an American embassy. Having meetings with foreign diplomats ( Turkish and Saudi) to recruit and arm jihadists to overthrow another countries leader (syria). It's not unofficial business.
    Bet if SEAL Team 6 had been killed or captured during the Osama raid that would've been labeled un-official also.
  10. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    First of all, it wasn't the embassy, which is in Tripoli and guarded by Marines. The facility in Benghazi was an unfinished consulate, being referred to as a "mission" and was mostly used as a cover for CIA operatives gathering weapons from Libyan militias, mostly shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles but the state department was also conducting intelligence work from there. It had no Marine embassy guards yet.

    Secondly, no one has said anything about it not being official business, you made that up. What I said was that Stevens had issued warnings to diplomats that the facility in Benghazi was not up to the security standards of the embassy in Tripoli. Yet he chose to stay there overnight rather than return to Tripoli.

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