NCAA Football Elite 8 Playoff /w Results.

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by NCAAF Fan, Jan 8, 2008.

  1. NCAAF Fan

    NCAAF Fan Freshman

    Jan 8, 2008
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    Removed due to the fact that people here freak out with someone who just conducted a little experiment and wanted to share.
  2. "Hurricane"

    "Hurricane" Founding Member

    Nov 26, 2006
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    First of all, give me one quality win USC has. Illinois? Give me a break! Oregon? They lost to the ducks first of all, then Oregon went to prove how "tough" it was in its bowl game. ASU? yeah right, look at their bowl game. The same SEC that LSU won went 7-2 in bowl games. Dont tell me who we can beat or he we cant. We just embarrassed the #1 team in front of a national audience embarrassing their #1 defense and their world class NFL-type O-line. Thats what we can do and thats why we can beat any "sucker" in this country. Georgia couldnt win its own conference, VT was demolished by LSU in the head to head, OU got blasted by WV, WV lost embarrassingly to Pitt, so did USC and its "talented" team against a 41 point underdog at home. No one deserved to be in that game. OSU deserved being there because it was a 1 loss team, and LSU was the best 2 loss team out there. End of story. US can go claim the AP trophy and "share" the title with us, just like they did in 03, wait a minute, they didnt even win it this time. USC is ranked #3!!! Behind the SEC dogs of Georgia. Wait your time USC, maybe you can someday somehow get a true second title.
  3. Hawker45

    Hawker45 Founding Member

    Dec 19, 2004
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    First,a disclaimer... in no way should the comments to follow distract from what LSU just accomplished.
    My comments are just following this thread.

    An 8 team playoff may have been the worst scenario for LSU this particular year. The team was totally banged up coming off the Tennessee game.... Dorsey, Flynn, Doucet recovering, etc., etc., etc.
    THe current BCS format allowed the team to heal and be at their best... something to consider when all this playoff talk starts.
    In an 8 team playoff, LSU would still have been competitive, but definitely not at their best.
    I, for one, was happy to see what LSU could do healed.
    This year, for sure, the BCS format worked fot the Tigers.

    (Deep Thoughts by Hawker Handey)
  4. TigerFan90

    TigerFan90 Too far away from home

    Dec 3, 2003
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    What do I think? I think it sucks. I am not one to disparage anyone here, but your conclusion has USC with :crystal: Now you'll have to excuse me as I have heard the "I hate USC" mantra out here up and down the west coast, but I have also seen those same people defend USC and the Pac-10 when it comes to anything SEC.

    I will agree that had their been a playoff system, the outcome could have been different, but we don't have a true playoff system. Until we do, this is the result we get. We all play under the same rules. We all agree to the same rules. Then again, I see the Pac-10 is out there totally against a +1 playoff system.

    Lastly, not sure why you feel the need to come in here the day after we win it all to tell us that under your system USC would be the champ. Bleaux me, dude. Maybe I'll see you on the fwy. :lol:
  5. NCAAF Fan

    NCAAF Fan Freshman

    Jan 8, 2008
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    Maybe you didn't understand me, your talking to me as if i'm defending to USC so let me state again. I go to UCLA, I HATE USC with a passion. Just like I hate the San Antonio Spurs and Phoenix Suns (being a Laker fan). I was simply posting the results of an experiment I put together, thinking maybe other football fans would appreciate the effort I put into it.

    I whole heartedly agree LSU deserves to be the national champion under the current system, and that the SEC is the best conference, AND that healthy LSU is one of the, if not THE best team in the league. Again, this was an experiment I put together and thought college football fans would appreciate.

    Although as for OSU being in the title game.....they didn't even beat a top 20 team...UCLA could have gone 11-1 with that kind of a schedule. I think OU, then USC, then OSU were the most deserving teams. You can't count the fact that WV romped OU in this discussion, as we're talking about bowl selection, BEFORE the the whomping WV put on OU.
  6. Speedy G

    Speedy G Founding Member

    Nov 23, 2003
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    Would you care to clarify that pronoun?
  7. NCAAF Fan

    NCAAF Fan Freshman

    Jan 8, 2008
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    If your talking about that statement, I do believe LSU vs USC would be a good game, but USC would win. (drop all the stuborness LSU fans, if I can do it as a UCLA Fan, then you can)

    Look at USC's team. They're BEASTLY. I was at the colliseum at the start of December, and USC looked scary, very scary. Although, Les Miles is a brilliant coach, and might expose weaknesses in making USC get into obvious passing situations (as we know the Trojans have an abismal recieving core, and have to rely on their tailbacks to make most of their plays.)

    How about UCLA for the NC in 08? :lol::lol:
  8. TexasTigers

    TexasTigers Are You With Me ?

    Jan 14, 2002
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    UCLA lost to Notre Dame.... Who was probably (wait is) one of the worst teams in college football (They lost to NAVY for the love pete)

    Listen dude, thanks. But this is a great day for us Tiger Fans. Thanks for your "opinion" but if you think any of us here think LSU is NOT the best team in the nation let me know what the weather is like in LaLa land. Do us a favor and take it elsewhere I am sure you can find a USC or UCLA board to have your Pac-10 Suck fests on..
    Also if you think we are all dumb enough to think you are a UCLA fan your on dope. You are a USC fan. Try to at least be more subtle about it. Nothing to be ashamed about being a USC fan you finished 3rd.

    So please move on.

    Mods ? Is there at least one day a year we can catch a break from the idiots as we all enjoy a fantastic day and week. IE Delete.. Or Move..
  9. NCAAF Fan

    NCAAF Fan Freshman

    Jan 8, 2008
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    And once again, I stated 3 or 4 times that i'm not trying to belittle the championship LSU just won, but if a little experiment is too much for you guys, I can remove it and call it a day.

    Even most UCLA fans aren't this harsh......
  10. TexasTigers

    TexasTigers Are You With Me ?

    Jan 14, 2002
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    Today is just not the day dude. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.
    But right now, we would all prefer to celebrate what was an undisputed national title. No "Co-Champion" crap with your team USC.

    Its a great day for us Tiger fans. I guess if people want to spar with you that is fine, maybe I could just not respond also. But it was a suggestion that maybe your timing is off, or coming here saying "USC would beat LSU" is a pretty dumb statement when 24 hours hasnt passed and a USC fan is on our board telling us we shouldnt be national champions.
    Just kind of worn out on it, and frankly 2003 is long gone. 2007 LSU are undisputed National Champions. You and Corso can have a yank fest on USC later.. Maybe you are a UCLA fan who knows... Just dont buy it. My close friend is a UCLA alum and die hard and he hates USC with every bone in his body...

    And to say UCLA would have been 11-1 in any conference kind of killed your argument. . But UCLA lost to Notre Dame.... They couldnt be 11-1 in the MAC. Again not blasting you maybe you did come in peace, but man today is not the day.. Let us enjoy this great season before you come here saying "LSU probably wouldnt be national champions" or "USC is a beast" Yes USC is a great team. WE get that.. Thanks..
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