Official 2016 LSU Recruiting Thread

Discussion in 'LSU RECRUITING' started by EyeoftheTiger 2015, Feb 17, 2015.

  1. LSUDad

    LSUDad Veteran Member

    Jun 22, 2010
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    Grimes is a great recruiter and coach, he hit CVO hard, he knew, he had a great shot, nothing is ever 100%. It was a great sell job by Grimes and Les.

    As for Lewis, where did he end up? Hard that late in the game to leave the state. Too many things against LSU on that one. A good try. Dead Period, what is that again? J/K

    Lied to coaches? See this every year.

    Its close on a number of players every year, thats recruiting. Look at Brossette, Weathersby, Johnson, Jackson, Dillon, a number of kids were close. Once committed, schools never back off. As to sure bets, KT2 was about as close to 100% as one could have.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2015
    CalcoTiger and geauxtigs like this.
  2. bhelmLSU

    bhelmLSU Founding Member Staff Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    Last I heard the Johnston kids wont be coming but that may have changed. However, LSU is in a really good spot with them.
    LSUDad likes this.
  3. LSUDad

    LSUDad Veteran Member

    Jun 22, 2010
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    You talking Tyron Johnson? Or Brandon Martin?
  4. bhelmLSU

    bhelmLSU Founding Member Staff Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    Tyler and Thomas Johnston
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  5. EyeoftheTiger 2015

    EyeoftheTiger 2015 Senior Member

    Jan 30, 2015
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    There has never been any doubt in my mind who for years has been the most underrated of the LSU recruiters...Corey Raymond. Even if LSU had the reputation of being "DBU" before Raymond even joined the staff, somebody is recruiting these guys and coaching these guys and that is Raymond. He has done a good job in the SE US and guys from Toliver's father to Isaiah Pryor's father say the same thing. Raymond is as good as anyone in the country with the way he treats the family, the details in his presentation in recruiting, his knowledge of secondary, etc. For the record, the 24/7 Crystal Ball predictions are turning decidely in LSU's favor for the #46 player in the country, Trayvon Mullen 6'2" 175 corner from Pompano Beach, FL who supposedly runs a 4.37 40. LSU has the latest 6 out of 7 crystal ball predictions and the 7th reneged on a previous prediction for some other school and now doesn't pick one.

    The 24/7 Crystal Ball predictions are definitely trending big time now for LSU and Trayvon Mullen...just updated the above text as 2 more tonight picked LSU. For those stargazers/ranking watchers, on 24/7 rankings, IF Trayvon Mullen was to commit to LSU, that 1 player would shoot LSU from currently 9th to a very solid 4th place.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2015
    LSUDad likes this.
  6. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Corey is a great guy.
    LSUDad likes this.
  7. CalcoTiger

    CalcoTiger Live Long and Prosper IVI

    Mar 4, 2003
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    Recruiting has and always will be a dirty business.

    Coaches promise the world and players don't tell the truth.
    Some players have their hand out and some players want to come to LSU with all they got. That's just the way it is.

    No one can be 100% in their predictions because their so much disinformation on all sides.

    I for one am happy with the players that sign on the dotted line and say I want to be a Tiger. And not just some ordinary Tiger but an LSU Tiger.

    I will pull for those boys with all I got.

    Win or lose. Good or bad.

    Because ultimately they are going to be the ones putting on that uniform and giving all they got.

    I live in California but if anyone asks me I tell them I am from Louisiana proudly and with Gods help when I retire in 8 years I will move back home.
    Brian, EyeoftheTiger 2015 and LSUDad like this.
  8. EyeoftheTiger 2015

    EyeoftheTiger 2015 Senior Member

    Jan 30, 2015
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    One change that would clean recruiting up dramatically...not the money thing, but certainly the "honoring commitment" thing would be 1) an early signing period and even more 2) being able to sign every academic calendar day of your senior season. Then, if a guy isn't willing to sign on the dotted line when already verbally committed, you know he isn't sincere. The reverse is also true. If a coach like little Nicky says you have a scholarship offer, you accept it, and you are willing to sign... but he doesn't want you to sign at that time, then you really don't have a scholarship offer. That would end the "processing" of Alabama commits around NSD when after being committed for 8 months to them, you wake up and suddenly don't have a scholarship offer. Being able to sign after you decide cuts a lot of the crap out of recruiting...from both directions.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2015
    CalcoTiger likes this.
  9. EyeoftheTiger 2015

    EyeoftheTiger 2015 Senior Member

    Jan 30, 2015
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    I repeat the epic prediction...I think there is an excellent chance that LSU will not only finish #1 in the recruiting rankings but also set a record for the best signing class ever. Here are my predictions as of now including a couple of surprises (Williams the DC OT and McCulloch the TX LBer) for a class of 24. I'm missing 1 player I believe...I think it will be a DE...might be the Hope, AR one Agim (#1 prospect in the state) who looks like he is going to leave the state but might be heading west instead of south. The ratings BTW are pretty much from 24/7 composite except I have raised a couple a bit and lowered a couple a bit.

    Keion Joyner - OLB 6'3" 200 5* from NC
    Saivion Smith - CB 6'1" 185 5* from FL
    Edwin Alexander - DT 6'2" 310 5* from LA
    Eric Monroe - S 6'0" 180 5* from TX
    Willie Allen - OT 6'7" 300 5* from LA
    Ed Oliver - DT 6'2" 285 5* from TX
    Richard Lawrence - DT 6'4" 300 High 4* from LA
    Trayvon Mullen - CB 6'2" 175 High 4* from FL
    Kristian Fulton - CB 6'0" 165 High 4* from LA
    Feleipe Franks - QB 6'5" 220 High 4* from FL
    Jauan Williams - OT 6'7" 285 High 4* from DC
    Donavaugh Campbell - OG 6'5" 240 High 4* from LA
    Michael Divinity - OLB 6'2" 220 High 4* from LA
    Devin White - ILB/RB 6'0" 230 High 4* from LA
    Khalil Ladler - CB 5'10" 170 High 4* from LA
    Stephen Sullivan - WR 6'6" 220 High 4* from LA
    Jeffrey McCulloch - OLB 6'2" 225 Med 4* from TX
    Mykel Jones - WR 6'0" 180 Med 4* from LA
    Dee Anderson - WR 6'4" 180 Med 4* from TX
    Glen Logan - DT 6'4" 270 Med 4* from LA
    Jamal Pettigrew - TE 6'6" 220 Med 4* from LA
    Cameron Lewis - S 6'1" 195 Low 4* from LA
    Clifford Chattman - OLB 6'4" 180 Low 4* from LA
    Chad Clay - CB 6'0" 180 Low 4* from GA

    By positions, this would be 1 QB, 0 RBs, 3 WR, 1 TE, 3 OL, 4 DT, 5 LB, 5 CB, 2 S, and like I said 1 DE.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2015
  10. LSUDad

    LSUDad Veteran Member

    Jun 22, 2010
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    Word is, LSU offered 5 DT from in state. Steele had a number of really good LB's in this weekend. And Corey Raymond only has so many spots to fill, a numbers game. Too many kids want to attend DBU, not enough spots.

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