Official LSU/Bama Game Thread

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by LSUGradin99, Feb 22, 2005.

  1. NoLimitMD

    NoLimitMD Founding Member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    Well put SabanFan, my thoughts exactly. Bama played very well down the stretch and coming out with a win was a great showing of intestinal fortitude by the Tigers. Easily the most exciting LSU game I've watched in a LONG time.
  2. Bama My Heart

    Bama My Heart Founding Member

    May 20, 2004
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    Congrats on the game. I hate that we lost, but that is the kind of game that is fun to watch, and the last 5 minutes goes on forever.
  3. Jeffinbama

    Jeffinbama Founding Member

    Nov 12, 2002
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    Well put SF... Interesting quotes in the paper showed that we have a coach that is thinking during the heated moments. Saw that with 12 seconds he had the ball in the hands of his best player. For 4 minutes Bama did not allow us to get it inside to him. So instead of calling a timeout, he elected to let his BEST player win it for him. Imagine the calling for his head if we had to jack up a 3 and lost in overtime.

    I agree the strategy on running down the clock. They were giving us the outside shot to protect the ball from getting into Bass... So we were supposed to take at best a 30% shot quickly?

    I also questioned the substitution of Big Baby... Come to find out it was to guard Felix who was smaller and quicker. He had already hit 2 threes...

    Breaks are part of the game... I couldn't believe Winston threw up a prayer and banked it in. I can assure you he was not trying to do that.

    Superb effort by the fans, players and coaches in this game.
  4. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    game notes:

    1. memo to majerus: glen davis' most effective nickname is big baby, not baby shaq. they dont look alike, and they have different games. shaq is an inhuman muscled up monster thunderdunker, davis is a quick footed, chubby guy who maneuvers around the paint to find shots. everybody who is strong, black, bald and at LSU is not a young shaq.

    2. it has become obvious why opposing teams can make so many 3s on us. they are simply throwing them over out tiny guard's heads. however....

    3. our guards are absolutely out their minds fast. tack minor's whole body moves so fast it looks like he has altered time to make everyone else 15% slower relative to him.

    4. having neltner in at the end of the game was smart, and shows alot of faith in him. nelter's timing on the putback was awesome. kennedy winston says: "All of a sudden this dude came out of nowhere."

    5. i loved the alternating purple/gold t-shirts.

    6. it seems like big baby has plenty of footspeed laterally and up and down the court, but not enough ups. he may need to lose some more weight so he can play higher above the rim. however, there is something to be said for the fat-belly width that clogs the lane. it is a trade-off i guess.

    7. games like this are why i invest so much time into sports, man, its fantastic, i love it.

  5. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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    Agreed, there is no way we should've thrown up some of those 3's as quickly
    as we did, the clock was against us, they didn't start the offense in time.
    I do realize these guys do have the ability to hit those on occasion but the last 2 or 3 minutes of the game, as quick as Tack was he could've easily
    penetrated the Bama zone and passed off to Bass or someone for a better shot selection.
    Tack penetrated the defense or lack there of most of the game!
    Breaks are part of the game, I agree about Winstons shot but I think breaks
    go both ways like for instance Bass's layup at the end of the half and Neltner's layup to end the game.

    Neltner, I read on a basketball thread here people arguing about him.
    He may not score many points but he's had some of key baskets at
    "key" moments when he does play.

    I don't really remember the last time I saw an LSU team hustle and play this good?
    I'll give Alabama some of the credit for the second half, thier a fine ball club.
    Great Game, Geaux Tigers!
  6. G_MAN113

    G_MAN113 Founding Member

    Nov 10, 2003
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    Dale Brown always used to say that most rebounds are grabbed below the rim...the point being that having position is far more important than leaping ability. So I'd say it's a good trade-off.
  7. TigerWins

    TigerWins Founding Member

    Sep 15, 2003
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    I'm not sure if losing weight would help Davis jump that much higher, but it sure would help his stamina. He plays so damn hard, but the extra weight seems to gas him much quicker than others.

    But you gotta love the way he plays the game...
  8. Jeffinbama

    Jeffinbama Founding Member

    Nov 12, 2002
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    Neltner has accepted being a role player for our team. So has Whipple.. Regis was not going to accept that role and he is gone. Lost in college basketball today is for a kid to accept such. That is why kids quit and transfer. Who wants to known as the 6th man anymore?

    Regis was told by NBA scouts to go directly to the NBA. What a joke... Anyhow he proves to be nothing but a good defender with a long arm span. He was rated as a can't miss player. He was unwilling to accept the position of being a role player due to it hurting his NBA chances so he left to be "the man" at GW.

    We have 2 potential role players on the bench. That is what they were recruited for... Thomas and Temple. They have had invaluable practice time as redshirts as well as traveled with the team this year.
  9. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I'm calling you out, TE. Why no comments after a win? If we'd lost, you'd be here blasting Brady and you damn well know it.
  10. Jeffinbama

    Jeffinbama Founding Member

    Nov 12, 2002
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    He gave some pollyanna bs on another thread of a "Hearty congratulations to the basketball team".. was talking about how he hates the way Brady dresses.. hmmmm... interesting.. I posted he jumped off the Miss River bridge after the Bama win and missed the river. Not sure why, but the thread was taken off the board.

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