Except for my iphone, unable to call out at all during the game. Several other's with iphones had the same problem. Seems like the older your phone was the better your reception. :wave: Oh, did I mention that I picked up some tix for next weekend? Work leaked that Dickson was on my TF.com Fantasy selection :rolleye33: Me neither, gonna be a nasty battle in the trenches next week, the barners are gonna stuff the box.
my at&t blackberry worked fine, but someone next to me had a alltell blackberry that barely worked at all. there was some bizarre phone chit going on last night. this teenage girl next to me, who texts faster than i type, was texting like a demon the whole game. yeah...mine too.
hmmm, don't recall much about auburnt. Last time I was there I was in TigerBand in '89. Probly not much in the way of development since then. Doesn't everone else have laws about throwin toilet paper in trees?
Went there in 2001 on a student bus trip. Rode 7 hours with LSU crazy fans. Got off the bus watched us get beat and rode home. Got to see my high school friend Reggie Torbor. Remembered the bus being rocked by AU fans. Remember 3 yr olds flipping us off and old grannies flipping us off. Other than that I had a blast!!
You sure that wasn't 2002 batty? Auburn was at home in 2001. That was the infamous Tiger Band beats up Damon Duval game. Auburn was the full band trip in 2002; I'm pretty sure it was a student bus trip too.