OH OOH! say it ain,t so...

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by '83alum, Dec 2, 2007.

  1. '83alum

    '83alum Founding Member

    Nov 26, 2006
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    Tellshow is updated

    Dec 2: I have Guestimated that VT will hold a 0.02 computer advantage over LSU. The Rankings below reflect keeping the margin between VT and LSU the same as last week in the human polls and moving them up to #2 and #3. You see that VT will be #2 in the BCS. Computer Coach's HI BCSRank Team W L Pts Rank Points BCS Rank Points Points Points1 Ohio State 11 1 0.93 1 1467 0.978 1 2779 0.975 0.96102 Virginia Tech 11 2 0.97 2 1432 0.955 3 2670 0.937 0.95383 LSU 11 2 0.95 3 1405 0.937 2 2721 0.955 0.94714 Georgia 10 2 0.79 4 1232 0.821 4 2368 0.831 0.81415 Missouri 11 2 0.86 9 1073 0.715 8 2132 0.748 0.77456 Kansas 11 1 0.73 5 1161 0.774 5 2215 0.777 0.76047 Oklahoma 11 2 0.73 5 1161 0.774 6 2170 0.761 0.75518 Southern Cal 10 2 0.70 7 1134 0.756 7 2164 0.759 0.73849 West Virginia 10 2 0.72 8 1126 0.751 9 2059 0.722 0.731010 Florida 9 3 0.65 11 898 0.599 11 1757 0.616 0.6217It will be interesting to see if the voters will move LSU up over VT due to the earlier season win by LSU over VT. The numbers below, reflect 7 coaches fliping votes and 15 Harris pollsters flipping their votes from VT to LSU. So LSU would need just one more vote to go their way to pass VT in the BCS.
  2. TigerWins

    TigerWins Founding Member

    Sep 15, 2003
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    It all comes down to the 2 human polls, and people like Tellshow and Edwards simply don't know how that will shake out. Hell, nobody does and it may come down to a vote or two.

    It will be interesting to see it unfold. Will the coaches move LSU ahead of VT, Kansas, and UGA? You can make a case for it. UGA and Kansas didn't even win their division. We beat VT by 41.

    No matter what happens, it will be much controversy. 5 teams can make an argument for being there.
  3. JP4LSU

    JP4LSU Founding Member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    Well, I think it is very possible for OU to jump us. I think we jump KU and UGA, but I'm not so sure about staying ahead of OU. I think the polls would keep LSU ahead of Vtech.

    OU has almost played as many ranked teams as LSU. Bama and UK have sort of messed our SOS over. Plus OU beat the #1 team, yet the voters need to pay some attention to the fact that Mizzou was the underdog.

    However, OU dominated Mizzou. LSU has been dominant in any game during the 2nd half of the season. I think OU dominating Mizzou and LSU not dominating UT will not help us out at all. However, hopefully voters will think about our 2 losses being in 3 OT's.

    I really excited about the SECCG and that is all I wanted. I will be happy with that. I won't whine too much if LSU doesn't get in. I think OU ALMOST has just a good an argument to get in as LSU.
  4. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    Oct 26, 2003
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    I agree. OU is really the only team I'm concerned about. We have the advantage over Georgia and VaTech.
  5. locoguano

    locoguano Founding Member

    Jun 26, 2004
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    I see the votes being completely fractured based on conference affiliation and LSU getting screwed by spliting votes with Georgia...
  6. P&G_wheelz007

    P&G_wheelz007 Football anyone?

    Nov 20, 2007
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    Puff, Puff, PASS!!!!

  7. '83alum

    '83alum Founding Member

    Nov 26, 2006
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    Have you considered OU splitting with Kansas. I guess that leaves VT
  8. Speedy G

    Speedy G Founding Member

    Nov 23, 2003
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    On the other hand, SEC voters have two schools they can put ahead of Va Tech/Oklahoma.

    I just hope the voters recognize the stakes and sit down and look at each team's full resume and not treat it like a typical week. LSU's argument is too strong to ignore.

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