yeah and creativity is your strong point. what we dont need here is less traffic. try to encourage interaction here instead of dissuade it. it will lead to more contributors which seem to be scarce outside of the usual 50. otherwise its me and tb3 discussing whether salma hayeks tits are real at 3 am 9 months out of the year.
You should really try to sleep more, Tirk. But I absolutely agree with more traffic. That's what I feel like is being stifled here with all of the thread moves.
well given so much has changed over the last 5 years... I wont wait up. if you have an idea, throw it out there. you know, with the members. this secret society stuff is part of the problem. not the most gregarious of groups.
We're creating an asylum for you and all of your aliases to talk amongst yourselves. Don't worry, each and every one of you will have access. Seriously though, going to ask Brett something concerning your comments.
i wish i was creative enough to make aliases. At least it would make for better conversation. no need to deflect the comments though. this clique mentality has hurt the forum more than helped.