Quick questions

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by LSU Engineer, Nov 17, 2007.

  1. LSU Engineer

    LSU Engineer Unnamed Source

    Dec 26, 2004
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    Let me first say that I am glad that we won today, but these are my concerns about the defense. I am attempting to ask these questions responsibly and gauge the feeling of other Tiger fans, since I am isolated from LSU talk radio here in Houston.

    Why is the defense so poor a tackling team this year? This is one of the worst tackling teams in LSU history. They constantly allow extra yardage after contact, they appear more concerned about trying to rip the ball out than trying to tackle.

    Why is the pass coverage so poor? 70-80% of the time it seems we are in nickel/or dime coverage (with no blitz), yet alot of average QBs look decent against LSU. Our LBs and safeties look either lost or very slow in pass coverage. Our defense only seems to work if the opposing QB is wildly inaccurate.

    I only bring up these concerns because all the Big 12 teams we could possibly face in the BCSNCG have much better QBs than anyone LSU has faced in the last 3 games. I remember how much LSU struggled against the 2 teams with decent QBs - UK, Florida.
  2. Bayou Bengal11

    Bayou Bengal11 ~Orlando Tiger Coonass~

    Aug 5, 2005
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    you obviously didnt watch LSU football in the 90s :grin:

    btw....you do know we were the #1 defense in the country coming into this game right??
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  3. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Are you kidding? This is the #1 defense in the country. There are 118 teams worse than us in Division I-A.

    LSU has the #6 pass defense in the country. There are 113 teams worse than us.

    Am I missing something? Is the best not good enough?
  4. HatcherTiger

    HatcherTiger Freedom Isn't Free

    Oct 24, 2002
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    Lets face it, LSU has been a "target team" all year long. We get the very best each team has. I'm proud of our team, its been a long haul and its not over yet !
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  5. SJS101

    SJS101 Founding Member

    Oct 10, 2006
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    I am glad someone else can see this too. Every team this year with the possible exception of MSU had played lights out against us. We do make some of our own problems. But, other top 10 teams are playing poorly at times and LOSING while we are playing poorly at times and still WINNING! I'll take it 3 more times this season.
  6. SJS101

    SJS101 Founding Member

    Oct 10, 2006
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    Not to mention the number of injuries that have plagued us. Certainly missed Beckwith today, Dorsey seems not 100%, our secondary/corners seemed gimpy today. And how many other players may possibly not be at top speed and we hear nothing about it...CLM is tight lipped about injuries as we all know.

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