Random SEC/BCS thoughts

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Berge, Dec 7, 2007.

  1. Berge

    Berge Founding Member

    Aug 8, 2004
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    Does a win on Jan. 7 finally put LSU into the elite column in the minds of the SEC fan bases? It seems every year LSU does well, it is "Well, they will lose at least 4 next year, book it." Being the only team with two BCS NCs, will fans start to come around about LSU?

    Do the BCS matchups have further implications than simply PAC-10/Big 10 "tradition"?

    If the fans got what they wanted (#3 VT vs #4 OU, USC vs UGA), this puts the credibility of the BCS formula. With those high profile match ups, whoever wins would have an even greater claim to being in the top 2 BEFORE the bowls, therefore the BCS getting it wrong.

    However, with games that there are clear-cut favorites, (Rose, Sugar) an upset will simply justify the title game participants.

    Could MSU be a darkhorse for the SECW next year? They were one win away from finishing second in the West this year. Auburn looks to rebuild; no one know what Bama will be doing; Arkansas could lose their two play makers and are coach-less at the moment; Ole Miss seems to enjoy their stay in the cellar.

    State loses 3 defensive starters, which will leave a big hole on the defensive line as Titus Brown graduates along with the other starting DE.
    They lose the same amount on the other side of the ball, two from the O-line. Their freshman QB Carroll, played exactly as a freshman would. His last six games' QB rating alternated from about 130 to about 80. Expect at least another 7-5 year from this Bulldog team.
  2. TigerBait3

    TigerBait3 Guest

    I don't think so, they have a lot of young talent coming back and get rid of a senior QB which is bad news to opponents.
  3. sugarlsu

    sugarlsu Founding Member

    Jan 28, 2004
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    I think many LSU fans have an inferiority complex. Winning this game means we are the team of the DECADE. We will be the only team with 2 BCS wins. The past 7 years will include 2 NC's, 3 SECC's, 3 Sugarbowl champ's, and a NCG bowl win. Last year we were the highest ranked 2 loss team. This year we are going to the NCG with 2 losses. We are the program that everyone wants to be. We are there. We have arrived. We have respect. Enjoy it. These things do not last forever.

    It is a shame that some LSU fans have spent this incredible decade complaining, and wondering if we have the right coach!

    Thank you Tigers!

    PS: This post in no way implies that BergeGFK is one of those negative fans. I am just using this thread to post some of my thoughts.
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  4. cristof11

    cristof11 Founding Member

    Nov 18, 2007
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    That thing where we would lose 4 games next year was under Saban...There's new coach in town and that hasn't happened yet...Next year we're gonna have a top 10 offense...The defense will be all right, but there's a big question mark since we're gonna have two new cornerbacks...I'm not worried about the SEC West, except Auburn of course...Florida and Georgia will be really good next year, I guess in both those games we'll be underdogs, but I like LSU's chances next year of winning the SEC.
  5. TenTexLA

    TenTexLA Founding Member

    Jan 12, 2007
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    We are an elite program. That is why so many folks say we have the most talented team. Winning another NC just reinforces our position. Our only hiccup was the coaching change and Hurricane Katrina interruption. Now we are back on track with a coach that is committed to stay at LSU.
  6. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    Nov 25, 2003
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    You look at the 6 losses and can't help but think, "what a run":

    1) Tennessee 30-27 in OT (we had a huge lead at half)
    2) Georgia in SECCG (only game under Miles that we got manhandled)
    3) Auburn 7-3 (ref-gate)
    4) Florida 28-16 (sloppiest game LSU has played under Miles and still had a chance late in 4th)
    5) Kentucky 43-37 3 OTs (Heismanesque performance by Mr Woodson, LSU held big lead late)
    6) Arkansas 50-48 3 OTs (Heismanesque performance by Mr McFadden, LSU & that damn 4th and 10)

    Pretty damn incredible really.

    I gotta say we have arrived at the level of a USC, who I regard as the best college football program going. That's a pretty solid compliment.

    So if I had to rate the relative strengths of college football programs right now, it would be:

    1) USC (slight edge only because of the strong California recruiting base that they dominate)
    2) LSU
    3) OU
    4) Florida
    5) Ohio State
    6) Texas (down year for them, but they will be back strong)
    7) Georgia
    8) Auburn
    9) Virginia Tech
    10) West Virginia
  7. cristof11

    cristof11 Founding Member

    Nov 18, 2007
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    What Miles has brought to the program more than just wins, is that we have been very competitive every game...Only once in 3 years, we have been dominated...In the end, what more could you possibly want than to give yourself a chance to win every game.
  8. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    Nov 25, 2003
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  9. phlashman

    phlashman Founding Member

    Sep 30, 2007
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    I hate to say it, but we probably won't get treated that way until we've been to the big dance a couple of consecutive years. At least thats my opinion.

  10. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    Nov 25, 2003
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    i disagree.

    what evidence do i have supporting LSU's ascendency into the elite of college football?

    LSU was the highest rated 2 loss team last season and nearly finished number 2 in the human polls behind Ohio State after the bowl games (which is unheard of for a #1 ranked team to fall any further than #2 with a loss in the NC).

    This season, LSU, once again, is rewared a chance at an NC with 2 losses, over many other teams with only 2 losses.

    Our time has come. Let's seize the moment.

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