Reggie Bush value to Saints astronomical

Discussion in 'New Orleans Saints Forum' started by islstl, May 28, 2010.

  1. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    Nov 25, 2003
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    s Reggie Bush worth 8 Million Dollars a year ? Logic tells me , ask Sean Payton he says "Yes" in a heart beat.

    Reggie Bush has played in 35 games as a New Orleans Saint. He averages 4.0 yards per game rushing with 17 TD's. He averages 7.4 yards per reception and has 260 catches in his career. That translates to almost 8 catches per game. Throw in another 4 TD's returning punts.

    BUT whats even more impressive about Bush is this. He is a MONEY player. In the Saints Post Season Playoff run and Super Bowl win Bush was gold.In the playoff's he average 6.9 yards per game rushing and 9.5 yards per reception.

    Bush averages 6.4 yards per rush when playing on artificial surfaces. Since more than half of your games will be on synthetic, thats a boost.

    But here is the real STATS that you don't see. The Saints amassed 6500 yards of offense in the regular season last year. The average yards per play on offense was 6.1 yards per play. The Saints averaged 14.6 yards per play when Bush was ON the field as compared to 4.9 yards per play when he was on the sideline. What that tells you is Bush is as effective as a logistical nightmare to defenses by JUST being there. Second, and I found this absolutley amazing, when Bush was lined up in the slot, the Wide Out or TE on that side of the field had a 86 percent completion rate. That means that when he runs a clear out, he commands coverage, opening up other receivers.

    When Bush lines up as a RB, the Saints average yards per reception is 8.8. When Bush lines up as a WR or slot receiver, that number jumps to 19.7. Stats do not lie. The Saints are a significantly better offense when he is on the field with or without the ball.

    Lastly, I think you saw late last year, Reggie finally understand what it takes to run the ball efffectively. Late last season saw Reggie running over and into defenders rather then avoid them. When he saw impact coming, he accelerated and lowered his shoulder. If Bush stays healthy this year, I think you could finally see his break out year. Whether or not you think he is worth 8 million is subjective. Whether the Saints are MUCH better on offense when he is on the field is NOT.

    Sean Payton's use of Reggie Bush in hs offense, gives DC's nightmares. You have to prepare for Reggie, whether you like it or not. He is the type of athlete that can score anytime he touches the ball. I have heard alot of people say that since Reggie Bush left USC he has been a disappointment, not lived up to expectations. Adrian Peterson is considerd by alot of experts the best RB in the league. WELL, Bush has something Peterson does not. A Superbowl ring.
    1 person likes this.
  2. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    Nov 25, 2003
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    This should not be a surprise to anyone with even an ounce of sense.
  3. clair

    clair Rockets

    Dec 23, 2004
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    Show me the W/L splits with/without him the past 4 years.
  4. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    Izzy, where did these numbers come from? I'm perfectly willing to believe that the offense as a whole is better when RB's on the field, but his presence makes an 8 and a half yard difference per play? That's astounding!
  5. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    shouldn't he only get paid 4 million since he only plays half the time?
  6. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    Nov 25, 2003
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    As soon as you show me the last time the cowgirls won a super bowl
  7. clair

    clair Rockets

    Dec 23, 2004
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    OOOOOOOOOOOO. got me there. Zing.

    funny how when I talk about something completely on the topic of the thread, you hi-jack your own thread with the only comeback you have -- something about the Cowboys.

    The answer to your question is 1995. I was a fan then -- am a fan now, and will be a fan in 2050, God willing and even if they go 0-16 every year until then.

    Unlike some in this thread, the teams I root for don't define me as a person or make me feel good about myself.

    I don't need to cheer for the best team with the best record in every sport to feel pride in my team.

    I don't abandon a team the second the good days end and jump ship to the new flavor in town.

    I don't praise others like umm... let's say Tiger Woods just for name's sake, and then kick them the second they are down and jump on the bandwagon of say umm... Phil Mickelson, again, just an example.

    I don't need the media to shape my opinions about stuff. I can come up with my own way of thinking. I don't need to be brainwashed and think the way 100% of the time about every sports topic.

    I don't think every coach in the history of every professional sport is a moron. In fact, I know they are all smarter than me in their respective sports.

    Unlike some others in this thread, people know what I stand for and who I ally myself with. They know I am LSU, Cowboys, Rockets, Braves. I have 4 allegiances. Others here in this thread have approximately 600, so they can pick and choose and hop back and forth depending on how the w/l record shapes out.

    I don't resort to name-calling or corny jokes when people disagree with my thoughts on something and I usually (except for this message) try and stick with what the topic of the thread is, because that's what we're here for.

    I might be the only person to post such a message, but I guarantee I am not the only one here to share the above thoughts.

    But again, the answer to your question was 1995, so pull up the w/l records with and without Bush and stop avoiding mctiger's question and show us a link for the stat, or admit you just made it up.

    Some people here just remind me of ULL fans, I swear. Only are interested in where the iron is the hottest.
    2 people like this.
  8. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    Oct 26, 2003
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    Sounds like someone is being called out. Can't wait for the next response.

    1 person likes this.
  9. ehusson80

    ehusson80 Founding Member

    Jul 15, 2009
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    Reggie Bush value to Saints astronomical

    Bush's value to everyone in college football, outside of USC of course, priceless.
    1 person likes this.
  10. RHans405

    RHans405 Let's Roll

    Feb 7, 2004
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    I wonder if we subtracted his pay at USC from his signing bonus?

    Also, Bush's value may increase if we can't get Thomas signed.

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