roll tide and sorry about the loss:(

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by BAMAFAN03, Oct 27, 2002.

  1. BAMAFAN03

    BAMAFAN03 Guest

    dear lsu fans-

    i hate to see you guys lose to auburn like that. i thought that after last week yall had got things together and would even creep into the top 5 b4 seasons end, but things happen i guess. i am looking forward to the game with lsu, i hope its a good game, and not one sided, one way or the other. we will get revenge on auburn for you guys, they just got lucky in my opinion. i hate to see you guys lose like that, but hopefully you guys will pick it up in weeks to come. good luck with your season and see you guys in a few weeks, hopefully ill be able to make it. its not too bad of a drive from shreveport but maybe ill be able to go. good luck on the rest of the season!
  2. OregonGamecock

    OregonGamecock Freshman

    Oct 14, 2002
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    Sorry for ya'lls loss, I was hoping you would shut those Allbarn people up. Good luck the rest of the season!!!!!!!!;)

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