Saban's Comments from SEC Media Days

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Maderan, Jul 30, 2004.

  1. Maderan

    Maderan Founding Member

    Feb 4, 2004
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    Here is the LINK to all his comments but here are some of the ones I found most interesting.

    On Corey Webster...
    "First of all I think he is capable of making a contribution on offense, we will prepare him to play offense, similar to the way we prepared Clayton to play defense last year. Will do the same thing. Almost an identical situation. If the freshmen develop, we will not need Corey Webster to play offense. He's as fine a CB as I've had the opportunity to coach or see. We put a lot of pressure on our corners, lot of close coverage, lot of bump and run, our corners allow us to do more things on defense because of the way he and Travis Daniels play."

    On Playing more than one QB...
    "We usually come up with a plan. We always have a meeting on Friday and come up with plan on how to play guys at every position. Like for defensive linemen, if you ever count, we never have a guy play more than 12 plays without getting a break, rotate 5-8 DLs cause want the big guys to be fresh at end of the game. No different with QB position. I think that opportunity presents itself this year for this team. Important to develop some kind of plan early in the year ? so they do gain game experience so if they do have to play down the road, they will have had the opportunity to gain some experience in a game. We do do those things for various reasons."

    On QB situation...
    "Think that to categorize it would simplify it to some degree, in some ways the 2 freshmen are extremely talented, both have developmental process that going through right now that will contribute to how they bring talent to fruition. Randle, the other hand, a fifth-year senior, been in system as long as any ever had, got some experience, feels confident in what he's doing, which other two guys are trying to get to. The gap in physical in ability is not wide at all, right now the stability and confidence that position provides for rest of offense creates the difference in who we play."

    and a comment that i don't like
    "I have struggled with this freshman class. Program was built on hard work and perseverance, last year's freshmen came in and did none of those things, 14 lettered, and they won the national championship. Almost like the rooster who thinks he created the dawn, and we need to get that straightened out. They were the supporting cast for a lot of very good FB players who put in lot of hard work for 2 or 3 years to accomplish what we did last year."
  2. CParso

    CParso Founding Member

    Jan 20, 2004
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    Why don't you like that last comment. I think it shows that he isn't letting this team settle for what happened last year. He's making sure they knew this is a new year. We don't want the freshmen from last year thinking they are god's gift just because they were on the national championship team. They have to work hard just like everybody else... Or were you saying you don't like the last year freshmen feeling this way?
  3. Maderan

    Maderan Founding Member

    Feb 4, 2004
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    No i agree that he is taking the right steps and has identified a problem but he said that he "stuggled" and I am worried that he may not have been able to completely solve the problem of freshman having big heads. Its not the attitude he stives for in his players and it could hurt the cohesion of his team.

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