Some thoughts on a dissapointing performance.

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Texastigers, Sep 1, 2002.

  1. Texastigers

    Texastigers Guest

    First of all. Any VT fans lurking, congrats. Good luck this season.

    Now on to the game.
    Let me preface this. I AM NOT BLASTING SABAN, if there is anyone that can fix it it is him But....

    1. This was the poorest coached game I have seen out of Saban's staff since he got here - Look I am not saying Saban is not a great coach, and I am so happy he is here and actually we have the best coach in the SEC. However, 4-1 and 4-3 down 24-0 you dont punt. Saban, the SEC title is over, I know you questioned yourself on that 4 down play. BUT WE WERE INSIDE OUR 50. The team was unprepared. They came on too late, and there was NO 1/2 time adjustment. I love Saban, but this was the poorest coached game I have seen. Including Ole Miss last year. He needed to pull some tricks out his hat to overcome a poor playing performance. He didn't./

    2. Jimbo - What for the love of Pete did you throw the ball Deep on 4-5. We need to get a first down NOT score a touchdown. See 1. I almost lost it.

    3. Recievers - F- for a grade. I wont say that cost us the game BUT it basically took us out of it. That was terrible and something needs to fix right now or we are back to the 4-7 days.

    4. Defense - Very impressive. Va Tech really had only one drive worth print. Otherwise it was short field and you had 30 seconds to rest because our OFfense was sorry

    5. Mauck - If that is what Mauck has, we need to look elswhere. He looked flat out bad. He did come on late but his 1st 3 Qtrs were flat out horrible. He WR's and RB's did not help dropping everything thrown there way. But he made bad pass after bad pass.

    6. The Punt Return called back was a back breaker, that changed everything and it was a terrible call

    7. The Holding call on Hookfin was flat out terrible. (For the Refs)

    Anyway, as you can tell I am very dissapointed. I think we lost that game. VT did not win it.

    BUT I am not over reacting like we all did againse Ole Miss. We have a good team. Even if we fix our problems we are not last years team. The fact Rohan was not there was Glaring. Mauck to me looked terrible.

    Anyway, we still have 11 game and we can now put that stupid National Title crap to bed. We can still have a great year. I know if we can Fix it Saban can. he has to look at himself as well. But lets not burn everything just yet. But if that is what we got. It will be a very very very very very long year.

    Did we lose to a better team. Honestly I think no. We were out coached and we had penalty after fumble, after bone head call.

    Saban will fix it, but I had hoped we would not have look so stupid with bad calls and dropped balls.

    Geaux Tigers.
    See you in Tiger Stadium next week.
  2. RockyMtTiger

    RockyMtTiger Founding Member

    Jul 21, 2002
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    Oh, well...

    Very disappointing. But the Tigers can still win 9 or 10 games this year, which is what I thought going into the season. I just hope they learned from today and will get better. I think they will. This team has a lot of talent, so there's no need to panic.
  3. Hokie Fan

    Hokie Fan Guest

    I was greatly impressed by the sheer number of LSU fans who turned up in Blacksburg - it's a shame that they had to come so far for those results.

    Speaking for myself but realistically, LSU is still a formidable opponent. We look forward to visiting and playing again in 2004.

    Good luck in the rest of your season!
  4. grote1947

    grote1947 Founding Member

    Apr 15, 2002
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    This was just another shoot yourself in the foot game. I really didn't see anything impressive about Va Tech. Their running backs seemed average as compared to what the SEC has to offer. I was disappointed in Teauxfield's performance, and I think Mauck has a stiff neck. He can't look left at all. LSU has the makings of a great football team and I look forward to seeing them play in person, but as far as I'm concerned nothings changed. It's our history to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

    Geaux Tigers
  5. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    You are a moron

    Our average running backs 0wN3d j00 d3wd!!! Did you see that run by KJ? I hope you taped the game because you wont see a run like that for another 2 years.

    ESPN has been kind enough to have the video on their website should you choose to relive the moment.
  6. roygu

    roygu Founding Member

    Aug 29, 2001
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    I didn't think there was anything average about VT'S running backs. When they had a hole they were a threat to go all the way and they seemed very hard to hold once the LSU defense made contact with them. Their quarterback was also a good athlete but their passing game was weak. If our receivers and backs could hold on to the ball, the game would have been entirely different. We just could never develop any rhythm therefore could not put any pressure on VT.
    Imagine if the punt return for a TD by Davis had stood and Mauck had led us on a firts quarterTD, how different the game would have been played. VT would have been trying to pass thereby playing into their weakness. Instead LSU was playing the game as VT wanted. Experience should correct the problems.

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