With the new parking rules engaged, how worried are most of you with your tailgate parties. Have you given up all hope due to not being able to park were you have tailgated for years, or have you kept the spirit that brought you to your spot years ago? Are you worried about displaced parties moving into you zone where there is no parking problems and you have tailgated for years? Just wanted to get a feel if it is going to be as good as it has been or will tailgaiting go down, or will there be lots of outrage due to longtimers being invaded. It will be interesting to see. BTW, TigerSaint drop me an email so that maybe we can plan on staking our hold incase of an invasion.
I used to tailgate in the lot next to Kirby Smith. Now that lot is gone due to new construction. I honestly don't know how I will tailgate now. I don't live in BR, so I can't get there at the crack of dawn. If I have to park out by the vet school or on River Road, I cant exactly pack in the grill, tables, ice chest, etc., to tailgate on campus. Even if I did, how would I return it to my car before game time? I will miss the home opener this weekend. For those of you that go, I would appreciate your observations so I will have a better idea of how to pack for the rest of the season.
I though Skip pulled back on that due to the backlash ??? I have tailgated in the same spot (With my parents) since the early 80's. But that is a Motor Home. But lately my college buddies and I have been tailgating at CEBA. Geaux Tigers
The answer to the tailgate delima is to join TAF and pay the premium for the restricted lots. Right. My wife and I park at my daughters place and hike the mile and a half to the game. Long walk but quicker than sitting in traffic and finding a place to park. Not as fun as tailgating. I hope the faithful take it out on the athletic dept and not each other when they cant find a place to tailgate. This reminds me of OLE MISS. They come in early, unload at the grove, then have to find a place to park, usually miles away. Perhaps the thing to do is bring styrofoam coolers (the $2.00 kind). That way you leave it on the ground at your site and dont worry if someone walks off with it. Saves a trip back to the car.
bpell, I like your idea about the cheap styrofoam coolers. That solves the cold brewsky problem but everybody still wants to eat. You can buy disposable charcoal grills for about 3 bucks. I think they sell them at Winn-Dixie. At least thats where I bought one a couple of years ago. Each grill is big enough to Bar B Q about 8 hamburger or 4 steaks. I haven't tried it with chicken or ribs or any of the other stuff that would taste great from the disposable Lean Mean Grillin' Machine but I know that the Tailgatin' Tigers will come up with some great tasting grub. Of course after getting there at a real early hour and staking out your spot and walking back from Denham Springs or Baker or Gonzales or wherever you can park you won't feel like bending over to the ground to do your grilling (the thing about these grills is that they are in an aluminum container and don't have any legs to get them up to regular grill height. I just thought of this so I'm still trying to work it out but maybe it would be easy to make some kind of stand for it out of some kind of cheap materials. Hey, I don't mean to get on a rant but I'm on a roll here. Maybe we can put a total package together. The "Tiger Tailgate & Toss It" We got the food and drink problem solved. What else? Its a long day out there if you set up early enough to get a good spot and nobody wants to stand up all day and not everybody wants to sit on the grass, especially the ladies, so we need some kind of disposable chairs (maybe made out of cardboard?) Music? Somebody in your group is bound to have an MP3 player. Have to have some speakers small enough so that they can fit in somebodies pocket but that put out enough sound. Anybody got any more ideas?
Not really. They are going to allow only 43 RVs to park where they used to (read-$$$$$). All other restrictions are the same. For most people, the big change will not be the RV lot, but the restricted parking all around campus (few spaces, poles erected to keep cars off of grass).
The poles will be an issue, but as I was walking towards my car this afternoon I noticed that a bunch of them still aren't in place. They're in the hole, but the cement has yet to be poured and Facility Services was no where to be found (well, I could find them, but they were stilling in McDonalds).