Team & Fans Bad Performance

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by r_bear42, Sep 1, 2002.

  1. r_bear42

    r_bear42 Founding Member

    Jan 18, 2002
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    Watched the game on ABC. Overall, the performance of the offence was terrible. The defense looked respectable for the most part. But it did seem like when something bad happened they lost focus. My concerns about the lack of an experienced QB were evident based on his performance, and I don't know what happened to the receivers. Dropped ball after dropped ball. I thought the call at the very beginning of the game where DD ran the punt back for a TD was a bad call based on the replay on the news on WAFB. I believe if that play is a TD, the Tigers have a shot. On the first drive Tigers looked good but penalties cost them again. The attempted punt out of the endzone at the end of the game really sucked. Beamer did have a smile on his face.

    And if the game itself wasn't bad enough, why in the hell do some LSU fans have to act like complete idiots. The local news indicated that some of the Tiger fans spent the night in jail. I know its probably just a few and I don't know all the details, but if we have to loose, lets lose with dignity. It makes us all look like idiots when a few dummies represent the majority.

    I still think the Tigers will end up representing the west in the championship game and I think they will end up 9 and 3, hopefully 10- and 2. If the most improvement is made between the first and second game, there is plenty of room. Like Sabin said, first game jitters had nothing to do with this loss.
  2. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I live in Blacksburg and had the chance to meet some of your fans on Friday night. I can assure you that I do not think bad of all LSU fans as I had a nice conversation with the ones I met.

  3. r_bear42

    r_bear42 Founding Member

    Jan 18, 2002
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    Congratualtions on a well deserved win. I travel with the Tigers quite often and have been to Notre Dame, Florida, Alabama, Ohio State, Auburn, Tennessee etc. to name a few and enjoy meeting fans from all over the country. Glad you got the chance to meet some good exubreant Tiger fans. Most Tiger fans are great and show lots of hospatility to visitors when games are played here in Baton Rouge. There are some however, in every fan base, that give others a bad name. Hope you can make the trip to Tiger Stadium in 2004. Lots of tailgating here before home games. Hopefully the outcome will be different in 2004. Good luck for the remainder of the season.

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