The Biden presidency

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Winston1, Dec 29, 2020.

  1. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Biden already fixed COVID!\

    @Winston1 safe to come outside now

  2. mancha

    mancha Alabama morghulis

    Aug 2, 2011
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    all that means is a positive test plus a sign or symptom. I don't know if that changes anything really. How many people get tested without a sign or symptom?
  3. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    I just know that the previous guidelines allowed symptoms only to diagnose as covid. Now, as I read it, they actually have to find the virus in you. Not just a lump of symptoms.
  4. CajunlostinCali

    CajunlostinCali Booger Eatin Moron

    Nov 1, 2007
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    Trace contact testing is the heaviest portion of the testing overall. Employers are required to test everyone who have had a cumulative exposure of 15 minutes over a 24-48 hour period with personnel who test positive. A pretty good portion of those positive returns never show symptoms.

    ETA: I'll add that testing protocols are state-mandated. I know California has the biggest hard-on for COVID ever. Job security tho...
  5. HalloweenRun

    HalloweenRun Founding Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Just watched our (NC) Director of HHS address this. She stated there was nothing new in the WHO guidance. They are simply saying follow the manufacturer’s explicit instructions. Speaking only for NC she was 100% certain those instructions have been followed from the start. Does not mean other states/entities followed the instructions.
  6. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Then if that is true you can get a covid case without a test still. Either way, I predict cases and deaths go down now that we are saved from OMB.
  7. kcal

    kcal Founding Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    not so fast my friend.....
    TOTAL COINCIDENCE ALERT: C19 Diagnostic Criteria Tightened by WHO on Biden Inauguration Day!

    Well, what are the odds?
    It just so happens that—on the very day Joe Biden took office—the World Health Organization also released new guidelines ratcheting up the diagnostic criteria for COVID-19.
    A single positive PCR test for the virus isn’t going to cut it anymore.
    For some reason, as of today, the organization decided that those tests for the virus we’ve been relentlessly assured are the gold standard for detecting infection are, in reality, just a mere “aid for diagnosis.”

    That’s a whole heck of a lot of extra hoops a person has to jump through to make the list of those officially infected or killed by COVID-19. But, if you expect WHO to also recommend going back and massively decreasing the daily case and death counts used to terrorize us into submission for almost a year now by applying their new criteria retroactively, you’ve yet to understand that “following the science” has everything to do with following but nothing at all to do with science. In fact, if you look closely, you’ll notice these new tighter guidelines—though released today—were actually all typed up and ready to go on January 13.

    Wonder why they waited a week?

    Whatever the reason, you may not be too surprised to learn that WHO is just returning to what used to be standard operating procedure. Up until COVID hit in 2020, neither WHO nor the CDC had ever considered a single positive PCR test sufficient for diagnosing viral infection. Indeed, as I reported in a recent column outlining how—contrary to the media’s attempts to convince you the Chicoms tried to cover-up the virus—China’s Communist Party rulers were, in reality, fomenting a panic in their ENGLISH language media before there could have possibly been any reason for concern:
    ‘Investigate China’s Global Lockdown Fraud!’ Demand Lawyers, Retired Brig. Gen. in Open Letter to FBI

    One of the few comical episodes in this year-long Chicom-induced nightmare occurred when some conscientious staffer at WHO inserted a bracketed note saying WHO recommends testing people “only if they have symptoms in the transcript of a speech their boss Tedros gave that was entirely devoted to insisting that every nation in the world needed to immediately start testing people without symptoms.

    Moreover, there are very good reasons why the loose COVID-19 diagnostic criteria in place right up until Joe Biden became president had, in the past, always been ruled out by both the CDC and WHO. As my regular readers know all too well, the standard test for COVID-19 detects dead viral remains—not live infectious virus—which could wind up in your mucus or saliva in countless ways that have nothing to do with being infected.
    As a result, it turns out that the way we’ve been administering PCR tests means they’ve been misdiagnosing infection virtually 100 percent of the time.
    As ace trial attorney, Reiner Fuellmich says in his powerful video presentation, COVID is a Crime Against Humanity, the only pandemic we’ve ever suffered is a phony PCR-testing pandemic.

    Fuellmich is disseminating the facts about how completely worthless COVID-19 testing is to attorneys around the world free of charge. He’s aiming to encourage the filing of civil suits with the ultimate goal of exposing the whole sickening charade and, God willing, seeing that those responsible for this atrocity finally face justice.

    Even if PCR tests actually did detect infection, however, there’d still be a huge problem.

    The small false-positive rate that any test is bound to have means that mass testing for COVID-19 together with taking a single positive test as sufficient for diagnosis—AKA, what we’ve been doing all along—is bound to create a fake pandemic even in the absence of any real one.

    Suppose, for the sake of example, the virus didn’t even exist. Testing 10 million people would still result in 100,000 false-positives even if the rate were just a piddling one percent.
    So, no matter how you slice it, the policies we’ve been following at WHO director-general, Tedros and Anthony Fauci‘s behest were guaranteed to create a phony pandemic from now till the end of time—as both of them had to know all too well. And, of course, if we return to the policies we’ve always followed in the past, as WHO now recommends, COVID-19 case and death numbers will start precipitously dropping just as Joe Biden takes office.

    Some coincidence, huh?
  8. mancha

    mancha Alabama morghulis

    Aug 2, 2011
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    Daily new cases are already going down. Deaths will follow. That has been lagging behind daily cases. Active cases per day trend is flattening. This trend started before Biden took control. We must not forget that.
    Winston1 likes this.
  9. APPTiger

    APPTiger still unable to post Geaux Tigers!

    Feb 18, 2008
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    611 people in the USA died from Covid-19 yesterday. Biden's Covid response is criminally negligent. So said the headlines nowhere.....

    Amazon is now magically helping with vaccine distribution. Per Trump staff, they never offered when Trump was n the White House.

    25,000 troops guarded Biden against a non existent white supremacists' uprising that was fictitious but no one, not even police responded to yesterday's ANTIFA 's violent left wing protests in several cities out west.

    Biden calls for unity and then with a pen erases several things Trump did that people liked like the wall and the Keystone pipeline. Also eliminating thousands of jobs, causing a rise in fuel cost and Canada to possibly have to look for oil shipped in from ...China.

    Biden calls for unity and some Democrats call for re-education of Trump supporters and elimination of Fox News, Newsmax, One America News and talks shows like Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levine , Shaun Hannity...

    It is going to be a very rough time for those of us that pay attention.

    Edit- My bad the 611 was CA only; FL had 6 and the USA had 4,367. But wait. FLorida's website says 6 died yesterday, Google says 142. Which one is it?
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2021
  10. onceanlsufan

    onceanlsufan Founding Member

    Sep 30, 2010
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    So basically, no more car crash fatalities, or heart attack patients who test positive post mortem will be allowed to be counted as covid deaths. We're saved!!! wooo hoooo .......
    APPTiger likes this.

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