The Candidate (Coaching List to Replace O)

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Brian, Oct 9, 2021.

  1. Brian

    Brian Founding Member

    Feb 28, 2004
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    This is a list of my own construction, likes and dislikes and thoughts on candidates. No insider info, just my take as an avid college football fan. - Brian

    Tier 1 - The Godfather

    The longest of long shots that would take an offer you can't refuse and even then, it probably isn't enough.

    Nick Saban, Alabama HC

    He deserves another tier called Lord of the Rings. This is a list I would go through if I was part of the hiring process. Look. You have to make Nick say no to you or you're not doing your job. Get your boosters together and go to Sexton with 15-25 million a year. Whatever you can afford. Offer him everything he has at Bama. He 99.9% likely stays and you force the REC to give him another car dealership or vacation home or another pay raise. Nothing lost.

    Lincoln Riley, Oklahoma HC
    The first candidate I think is a possibility and so is my first real call with hope. He's an elite playcaller, incredibly young still at 37, he's shown a desire to get better on defense with hires and he's making strides with recruiting. Grinch is a good DC. The problem is OU thinks they're LSU without the recruiting base in state, they have a set of rules they play by similar to our weed policy that does sometimes handicap them the way we are, and Lincoln has seen that as much support as he has there going to the SEC is gonna get tougher. Sark is gonna build a monster at Texas. Jimbo will still be a pain recruiting due to oil money.. he has struggled to land elite RBs and WRs of late. Guess what grow on trees in Louisiana? He can go get you a QB anytime he wants from anywhere. We also produce stud defenders and he can go find linebackers in Texas. His coach Bedenbaugh on the OL is one of the best in the nation.. there's a lot to sell him on here. He was a rock star at OU but that's changed cause he hasn't won it all. He knows he's good. He knows he'd win titles here. I think there's a chance however small.

    Bob Stoops, Fox College Analyst

    He's not an ideal choice and I think he's tied to OU forever. However, maybe he's interested in setting a blue blood aright, setting the infrastructure up to hand it off to another protege like he did with Riley and enhance his legacy after taking care of his health. He'd bring instant respect, credibility, and stability. Obviously he was terrible on defense, loyal to his brothers poor coaching, etc etc.. but he's a good man who tries to do it right which isn't easy in big time college athletics. Can't see it even being entertained.

    Joe Brady, Carolina Panthers OC

    Not saying he's a slam dunk. But this guy is the epitome of if he were to be interested it would take a Godfather offer to land him. Not sure I'd even want him. He *can* recruit. He just didn't like it. Rakim Jarrett and Jermaine Burton really upset him the way Tre Bradford and Tristan Leigh upset Riley. It would take a massive offer, I think he's the next Bengals coach if he wants that job. He's an NFL guy. However, you'd be hard pressed to find a guy who wouldn't transition well. Limited coaching tree access, though. I think that will hurt him in the NFL as well.

    Urban Meyer, Jacksonville Jaguars HC
    The other LOTR. I don't think I would touch him at this point. He's a liar and a winner. Can you trust him as an AD? Nope. Makes him impossible to hire. And he lies about dumb stuff that is easily proven wrong when he's in trouble. It's strange. Would win a title at LSU without question, if he actually stuck around a few years. Just.. I would say no.

    Tier 2 - The Usual Suspects

    Here's the list that you'll see make the rounds by most lazy writers.

    Luke Fickell, Cincinnati HC

    Brilliant coach. Does things differently. Self-aware. Recognized he wasn't ready for the interim job at tOSU, but out of love for his alma mater took it and got killed for it. He has built a Be Different we are Family atmosphere at Cincinatti. He's a different guy that sells sincerity, love, accountability.. there's a reason Marcus Freeman didn't want to leave and nearly didn't. Problem is like with Freeman both wives and families are centered in Ohio and they believe football isn't everything and so luring them from Ohio would be the hard part. He's a guaranteed success, imo. I rarely ever think that with a coach. I do with him.

    Matt Campbell, Iowa State HC

    This guy is a stud. You know in his 5+ years at Iowa State he's had less 4 star recruits total than LSU usually lands in a single year? And he beats people he has no business beating. OL coach at heart, he's just a damn good football coach. Can he recruit? Hard to say, but we know he can run a program and punch up. He's a hell of a coach waiting to prove it elsewhere.

    Lane Kiffin, Ole Miss HC

    I mean, he's the whole f'ing show, isn't he? You get it all with Lane. That's good and bad. Will he be responsible? Will he build a sustainable program? He's at a massive disadvantage at Ole Miss, but he's as good a playcaller as there is in football at this level. He would have to really sell me on a vision. And I'd have to trust him. That's tough.

    James Franklin, Penn State HC

    There's the cover up of rape at Vanderbilt. That's ugly as hell. There's the fact he is as bad as coaching game situations and managing the clock as Les Miles is. Other than that, dude can recruit, he's a diversity hire, he's a heck of a leader and motivator, and he's a sharp guy. Would be fascinating to see what he could do at a program where he's really given keys to a car that can go. Penn State is like a vintage race car, LSU, Bama, tOSU, Clemson, etc.. they're running on nitrous.

    Bill O'Brien, Alabama OC

    He can coach proven by his time in the NFL as a coach. He is a terrible evaluator and acquirer of NFL talent also proven by his time as an NFL GM. So the problem is in college you're both the GM and head coach.. can he recruit? He was only at Penn State two years and they had the death sentence sanctions. We don't know. That terrifies me. Lots in his corner though because the man is a fantastic coach and supposedly a really good guy. I think he's a tough sell with his image and his lack of recruiting history. Would heavily depend on his interview.

    Jim Leonhard, Wisconsin DC

    I'm putting him in a tier above most others. I think he'd recruit well but that's a gut deal. I think he's as brilliant as Aranda if not moreso defensively. He's at his alma mater and seems content, but hey. You never know. That job has not opened up yet. Miles always thought Michigan was his dream. Same with Fickell and tOSU.. but recall what Bo told Miles, "Hey, maybe LSU is your Michigan, Les. Make it your Michigan for those young men and yourself." Jim probably belongs in a lower tier, but I think he's gonna go as far as he wants in this business. But he already made NFL millions so he's an unusual case.

    Tier 3 - Uncut Gems

    Guys with something to prove, all the potential in the world and highly valuable, but one wrong cut and you've just killed your margins.

    Jeff Hafley, Boston College HC

    Another Ohio guy. What is it with the best coaches and Ohio? Anyway, he's a rising star. He's recruiting really well. Very short resume, but look at how that defense has fallen off a cliff. It got worse under Schiano and even worse since him. Hafley made that tOSU game go and I was super impressed how he called our 2019 Clemson game on ESPN's coaches film room. Up and comer. He's an uncut gem though because you know he's valuable, but the finished product could vary wildly depending on the cut.

    Jamey Chadwell, Coastal Carolina HC

    Brilliant offensive mind. Extensive head coaching and program leading but all on very, very low levels. He's fun to watch, but I have no idea how he'd translate in every aspect.

    Billy Napier, UL-Lafayette HC

    Everything says yes about Napier. Right pedigree. He's a journal guy just like Aranda. He believes you write everything down to reinforce the learning behavior. Learned under Nick and Dabo. He's waiting to implement the right system at the right place and has turned down SEC jobs. He's interviewing you as much as you interviewing him. Sounds like Saban? But who knows. There's only one Nick. Everyone's tried to be him. I think he's got the recruiting base here though already. Can he step up? I like him if everything goes south.

    Mel Tucker, Michigan State HC

    Think he's gonna do great things there. He took flack for leaving Colorado, but c'mon. These guys are all mostly mercenaries. I actually think he's in the right fit where he is at, but he's without question someone I would want to at least talk to.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2021
  2. Brian

    Brian Founding Member

    Feb 28, 2004
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    Tier 4 - Good Will Hunting

    There's true and absolute brilliance in there, but it's one-sided and it needs to be connected to the full human experience for it to really shine. Not quite Rain Man level but pretty close. A good psychiatrist will have you recognize your shortcomings and direct you to fix it! ;)

    Dan Mullen, Florida HC

    He hates recruiting. He has an ego that is outsized for his value. He's also strange. However, you want to talk about development and coaching? And knowing how to put talent in spots to maximize them? Mullen if he gave a damn about recruiting would be terrifying.

    Dave Aranda, Baylor HC

    He's an introvert and didn't like to recruit. He didn't even want to be a head coach. After learning extensively from O how to recruit he changed his mind. Grew into it, and he's now leading his own program. Problem? He's going to always be that introvert and at the highest level of the game Aranda aint gonna pull the big recruits from Nick, Dabo, Kirby etc imo. He and Brady would be amazing together. (Oh wait.. lol.) I just think that's the reason he hasn't gotten a bigger job and why he won't land LSU.

    Sonny Dykes, SMU HC

    Third coaching stop but hey he's got them in the top 25. His dad was a coach. He played baseball so he knows the importance of multi sport athletes. He's got SMU in a really nice position, but he wasn't great at Cal. They don't recruit well though and he did put Goff in the NFL for whatever that is worth. I think he's a dark horse if things are desolate.

    Dan Lanning, Georgia DC

    They kicked the tires on him lightly about our DC position, he's a really young up and coming coach that has an impressive as hell resume. You know he can recruit. He's running the best defense in the nation. And he's in the SEC already at the highest level. Golding is Saban's whipping boy (and he's from Louisiana) but would be a hard sell here because all he does is take crap from the Bama fanbase. Lanning in a few years will be a head coach somewhere and I think he'll be doing well.

    My favorites are Riley, obviously. Luke Fickell. Campbell. After that it's an intriguing list and I'd have to know who is in the running in order to rank them. Obviously a Kiffin and Napier have my eye, but what we know about Scott Woodward is he likes to go after proven studs. He walks quietly and carries a big stick and he swings for the fences.

    So be prepared. I don't think we see an Aranda, a Napier, a Chadwell... this will be a splash hire if he can make it.

    What's your list?
    lsu-i-like and Winston1 like this.
  3. kcal

    kcal Founding Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    Fickell, I like Lincoln Riley as well or throw a number at eric bienemy….
    Brian likes this.
  4. Hou-duco

    Hou-duco Founding Member

    Sep 2, 2003
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    Ask anyone who lives in Houston about Bill O’Brien. Good guy my ass. He’s an arrogant prick.
  5. Brian

    Brian Founding Member

    Feb 28, 2004
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    He's got a number of people in Houston on other boards proclaiming that he is very much that.

    Not my take, but it is out there loudly by some.
  6. Hou-duco

    Hou-duco Founding Member

    Sep 2, 2003
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    I”ll go full TigerTap if he were named as our coach.
    kluke, Don Castavez and shane0911 like this.
  7. cul2969

    cul2969 Founding Member

    Dec 19, 2003
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    At this point, I'm pretty much to the "anybody but Ed Orgeron" stage of the relationship. It has already passed the "turn off the sound because I don't want to hear this MFer one more time" stage. Les Miles was at the turn off the sound stage for about 3 years.

    My list starts and ends right here: Lincoln Riley
    Pipe Dreams... would be nice but ain't happening: Saban, Brady
    Second Choices: Fickell, Campbell, and maybe Billy Napier (not sure he's quite ready)
    Oh God, please no: Urban, Kiffen. Don't like them, don't trust them, don't want them here.
    Close but no cigar: Franklin, Mullen. Good coaches but always seem to do something stupid and turn a sure win into a loss and will never win a championship... IMHO
    If all else fails: Aranda, Dykes
  8. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    No one can be that annoying
  9. Perple

    Perple Founding Member

    Apr 29, 2003
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    Tap was right though. I know - I lost a small Fender tube guitar amp to him betting on LSU to beat UCLA.

    I was so sure we'd beat the Bruins.
  10. Perple

    Perple Founding Member

    Apr 29, 2003
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    I like Fickell, Riley, Aranda & a couple others.

    Meyer I don't think would come here. Dan Parick is the only one I've heard say he was a possibility.

    Auburn got Bryan Harsin, not sure he was on that many lists, but not sure.
    TBTrumpet likes this.

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