There's no excuse for this loss.

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Jean Lafitte, Jun 15, 2003.

  1. Goodlifetiger

    Goodlifetiger Founding Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Jean is the same uninformed fan that did not have a clue earlier about Laval and his coaching. Hell he didn't know we all the injuries until after the season was over and Saban Fan told him.

    I really don't believe he knows what the hell he talking about much of the time. That mustash has grow up into his brain.

    He has been on Laval all season. Stating Laval had not proved his self to most LSU fans. At least he posted it up on woopig. Up there they actually think he knows what he is talking about.
  2. ChuckE

    ChuckE Founding Member

    Oct 17, 2002
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    LSU friends: I will change the direction without starting a new thread. My feedback request here assumes all injured players are healthy, and come back to form and/or improved. For LSU in 2004 looking at the pitchers on the staff, if you compared them to any of the 7 other teams in this years CWS + Baylor, which team of pitchers would the LSU 04 staff compare to? Please enlighten me on the style of Lane and Brian. I've not been fortunate to watch either pitch. Compare each to a pitcher in this years CWS, or to a Baylor pitcher. I've watched several games. (I have not watched SWMS, I missed CSF game, and watched one game of Stanfords) I listed those not to be long winded, but to let anyone that would be so kind to respond know I wouldn't make the connection with those team of pitchers.
  3. Jean Lafitte

    Jean Lafitte The Old Guard

    Feb 2, 2002
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    So what? I'm an uninformed fan. I admit that. I'm no authority around here. I occasionally express an opinion, and sometimes, my opinion is wrong. I want you and other folks to correct me when I'm wrong, because I learn from your explanation as to why I'm wrong. I've been persuaded to change my opinion quite often. That's what message boards are for: to become a MORE INFORMED fan. That's what I'm here for. I don't care if you think I'm uninformed. All I ask is that you explain WHY I'm uninformed so that I don't REMAIN that way. Just calling me names doesn't accomplish anything.

    Let me say a few words about my style: it's "Over the Top" and "Obnoxious" sometimes. Why? I feel like it helps keep things exciting and animated around here. I admit that I might come across as an "Internet Loudmouth" around here. I'm just trying to have a little fun and stir up a little conversation. I see this place as a rowdy barroom filled with LSU Tiger fanatics, rather than a business conference.

    I admit all of my faults. I hope that you all can accept me for who I am. Please believe me when I say that I am an raging LSU Tiger lunatic fanatic. I admit my faults, but I do indeed have that single redeeming virtue.

    PS I'm also honest, loyal and hard-working. Those are also redeeming virtues, even for fans of other schools.

    PSS I wish to extend the hand of friendship to all who post here.

    PSSS Maybe I post on a Hog Board because perhaps I live in Arkansas while stationed at the Little Rock Air Force Base. Did any of you ever consider that possibility? The Hog fans all know that I'm an LSU Tiger, I've been a couple of good fights over there defending LSU, but it's all been in fun. I think that Hog fans and LSU Tiger fans have a lot in common, and we respect one another.

    Some folks like to call Arkansas fans "hillbillies" and other such names. Some folks make fun of my Cajun heritage. I pay no attention to them. I'd be proud to be a Hillbilly, if that's what I was. I'm proud to be a Cajun, and Hog fans respect that. Pride in our Heritage, that's what Cajuns and Arkansans have in common.


    Thank you for allowing me to try to explain things.

  4. Jean Lafitte

    Jean Lafitte The Old Guard

    Feb 2, 2002
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    Good question.

    Very good question. I look forward to reading the opinions of the others.
  5. Goodlifetiger

    Goodlifetiger Founding Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    I know you are a very loyal LSU fan. But losing a game to a SC team that we beat 2 out 3 earlier is not a bad thing. First of all that SC team got of to a 1-5 start and wound up just 1 &1/2 games behind us in the SEC. No excuses for our ball club, we just lost to a very good team, it could of went either way tough.
    Second guessing Laval is pretty easy and you seem to do it every chance you get. Do you have bone to pick with the man, are do just miss Skip. Laval went with the people that got him to the dance. There is nothng wrong with his coaching that a couple of hits in the 9th wouldn't cure.

    Try not to be so quick to see the neg.
  6. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    I'm proud of my Cajun heritage too. If I was a redneck I could be proud of that too. If I had been born a hillbilly I would have to hang my head in shame among the hillbilly community. After all I have never had sex with my mother, sister, a sheep, a cow or a pig. I wouldn't have anything to brag about at family reunions. "Its like this Uncle Porky, uh or should I call you Daddy? Anyway Petunia just would do it with me. Maybe if was my aftershave. You know her better than I do. After all she is your wife and sister."
  7. Jean Lafitte

    Jean Lafitte The Old Guard

    Feb 2, 2002
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    Re: Jean,

    I miss Skip Bertman.

    I do not have anything against Smoke, honestly. He's the coach of our baseball team, and I'm proud of what he and this team has accomplished this year.

    I'm learning the subtleties of baseball as a game. I have questioned things that Smoke has done to learn more about the game, and sometimes to understand Smoke's reasoning on some decisions. I don't know much about baseball at all. I might point out something that looks to me like a mistake by Smoke, but, come on. I don't think for a second that he knows more about baseball than I do.

    I hope that some folks who have coached or played a bit of baseball would discuss things around here. I learn that way.
  8. Jean Lafitte

    Jean Lafitte The Old Guard

    Feb 2, 2002
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    One of the things I've learned from years of living away from home is that many people from up North and from out West think of YOU, ME, other Cajuns, and EVERYBODY from the South as inbred, ignorant, incestuous sub-humans. In other words, Bengal B, they say the same things about YOU and YOUR MOMMA that you've just said about hillbillies.

    As such, I embrace all Southerners and the Southern culture. I try to discourage fellow Southerners from calling each other the very same names that Northerners and Westerners are calling all of us Southerners, whether we be a Cajun who barely speaks English, or a hillbilly with an accent so thick that you and I couldn't understand him.

    Bengal B, I'm not trying to persuade you to see things my way on this issue, and I'm surely not trying to pick a fight with you. I just wanted to explain my own personal view on this sorta thang.

    You will never hear me make fun of a fellow Southerner's rural culture, nature or roots. Northerners, Westerners and city boys are fair game, however.

    PS I get mad when I hear folks make fun of Cajun music, Country music and bluegrass, too.

  9. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    Hell, I don't even know any hillbillies. Cajuns as decendents of the French Canadians are an ethnic group just like Italian Americans, Irish Americans or Native American Indians. Are hillbillies decended from any group of immigrants from any nation are are they people from all ethnic backgrounds who have fallen into those circumstances? I know that most Arkansas fans are not really ignorant hillbillies but as long as they want to call us backward Coon Asses I can dish out the insults as well as I can take them. I'm sure I could do an internet seach and find out more about hillbillies than I every wanted to know. From what I do know the hillbilly culture is not necessarily a byproduct of the culture of the South. Hillbilles exist in West Virginia and as far north as the mountainous regions of the Appalaichias extending into Pennsylvania. The Clampetts of Beverly Hillbillies fame were from Tennessee. There are pockets of hillbillies in northern Alabama. Alabama fans and Tennessee fans don't lend themselves to applying the hillbilly appelation to them nearly as well as Arkansas fans when you are talking smack to each other.

    A few years ago I was lost somewhere in the piney hill country of Alabama. I saw this big rawboned looking guy wearing a Redman chewing tobacco cap who had the hood of an old pickup truck open that he was working on. I stopped and rolled down my window and asked him "Hey, Bubba, can you tell me how to get to the Interstate from here?" He replied "I from Germany. I not understand English."
  10. Jean Lafitte

    Jean Lafitte The Old Guard

    Feb 2, 2002
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    That's hilarious!


    PS When Arky's or Bama's call us Cajuns names, I tell them the same thing that I wrote to you above.

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