
Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Sourdoughman, Feb 13, 2004.

  1. CottonBowl'66

    CottonBowl'66 Founding Member

    Aug 26, 2003
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    So you little RW, all you are is a bigot also, right? Condemning an entire religion is David Duke territory. It tells me I have you, Jetstorm, and the other right wingers pegged right on the button.
  2. dallastigers

    dallastigers Founding Member

    Sep 2, 2002
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    Irritable bowel you might want to take a look at your views on jews and christians before you start throwing any stones.
  3. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    sure, why not. i definitely believe that muslims today are more likely to blow up my local subway. i definitely have my eye on them in the station. if it pleases you to call me a bigot because of that, be my guest.

    i'm bigoted against christianity too, i think all religions are foolish superstitions. so yes i am a bigot. i know how much it pleases you liberals to call people racists and bigots, so with me you can feel free to go nuts.
  4. Jetstorm

    Jetstorm Founding Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    Converts, and that's what is so scary. These guys are converts usually by way of mosques and religious charities funded by Saudi Arabia's Wahhabi sect establishment. Not so bad, right? Saudi Arabia is our friend, right? Not if you read the Dore' Gold book "Hatred's Kingdom," where it is detailed that the Saudis are complicit in fanning the flames of international terrorism and hatred of America and Israel by funding the most radical, intolerant, insane, "kill-em-all" form of Islam out there. While the House of Saud pays lip service to the U.S. and the War on Terror to keep the oil money flowing, they turn around and give billions of dollars in that oil money to radical Wahhabis to keep the faithful peons from breaking down the palace doors and turning Saudi Arabia into a closed off society of sharia'h law so dark and repressive that it would make Taliban-ruled Afghanistan look like the Netherlands.

    The Saudi Wahhabis are THE foremost sponsor of Islamic missionary activity around the world. They fund mosques, schools, and charities around the world and train imams for those mosques, schools, and charities. They even are part of the selection and training process for Muslim chaplains in our prison system and the military. Is it any wonder we've had so many infiltration occurances in the last three years in our military (Hassan Akbar, the Gitmo spies?), or that Muslim who convert in prisons go on to cause trouble as well (John Muhammed?) What exactly are these Wahabbi sponsors teaching that causes this violence?

    Well, among other things,

    -Jews are the sons of apes and pigs and are evil and must be destroyed.
    -Christians are the mentally deformed offshoot of Judaism and should be enslaved in the service of Islam, converted to Islam, or killed.
    -All other non-Muslims are "kafir" (infidels) and should be converted to Islam or put to death.
    -Women are trained to be completely subservient to men and to cover themselves from head to toe at all times, never speak unless spoken to by a man, and to have as many children as possible (demography is destiny, and all that)
    -Children are taught that it is the highest honor to be shaheed (a martyr) to the faith and that, the higher the infidel body count, the more glorious heaven will be for you.
    -Honor killing is acceptable.

    All this is happening right under our noses. It is real. It is documented. And it is a grave threat to our nation.

    Religion of peace? You be the judge. To me, actions speak louder than words, and as far as words are concerned, what they say to each other is more important than what they say to outsiders.

    Wake up Mr. President. Saudi Arabia is NOT our friend.
  5. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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    If CottonBowl lived where you do he would have different opinions.

    He lives in a safe place that has never been attacked.

    Its unfortunate that he and some other people have forgotten or
    don't care about what happened on 9/11.

    They don't care about the war on terror as long as it doesn't affect them.

    I live in Denver, Co...
    A so called safe place I guess and my view is with my countrymen
    in NYC and elsewhere we've been attacked.

    I will NEVER forget that day or those poor people that lost thier
    lives and their families.
  6. CottonBowl'66

    CottonBowl'66 Founding Member

    Aug 26, 2003
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    There are hundreds of millions of Moslems in the world. It has existed as a major religion for generations for over a thousand years.

    But according to you, it is based on hate and killing all Christians and Jews. A major religion has existed all this time and it is based on hate.

    That is what you all would have me to believe. Your arguments are so stupid it just deepens my contempt for all of you.

    You are just a bunch of ignorant rednecks. I guess in your cases, probably rednecks with suits and ties.
  7. Jetstorm

    Jetstorm Founding Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    Well, if you have read the Koran, as I have from time to time, than you will understand why Islam is of grave concern to me and most other Christians.

    Here's what the most holy book of Islam, the instruction manual for adherents of that faith, says about Christianity and other religions.

    "Fight those who do not profess the true faith (Islam) till they pay the jiziya (poll tax) with the hand of humility." - Koran 9:29

    "Remember Thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): "I am with you: give firmness to the believers, I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers, Smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger tips of them."" - Koran 8:12

    "Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful." - Koran 9:5

    "Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their Home: an evil fate." - Koran 9:73

    "Believers, do not choose the unbelievers rather than the faithful as your friends. Would you give Allah a clear proof against yourselves ?" - Koran 4:144

    "When you meet the unbelievers in the Jihad strike off their heads and, when you have laid them low, bind your captives firmly. Then grant them their freedom or take ransom from them, until War shall lay down her burdens." - Koran 47:4

    "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last day, nor hold the forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and his messenger, nor acknowledge the Religion of Truth from among the People of the Book, until they pay the Jiziyah with willing submission. And feel themselves subdued." - Koran 9:29

    "Slay or crucify or cut the hands and feet of the unbelievers, that they be expelled from the land with disgrace..." - Koran 5:34.

    There is so much more. But those stood out. Basically, the message remains the same; kill or forcibly convert all infidels, except Jews and Christians, but force them to pay tribute and make them second class citizens (dhimmi). It fits with the ministry of Muhammad, who was a robber, a bandit, and a rapist, who killed Heaven knows how many people to spread his faith. People in the Middle East and on Islam's periphery have been dying ever since.

    You might say, "So what? So Islam has a few verses about violense? The Bible is full of violence too. And Christians and Jews have committed atrocities in the past." All true. But a few points to make.

    - The Koran is much more disproportionately violent than the Bible.

    - All the violence in the Bible takes place in the Old Testament. This is a very stark contrast that should be noticed by all who study the holy texts. After Christ comes and instructs his followers, he specifically states, repeatedly, and subsequent followers, state, repeatedly, that the Gospel must be preached and that they should NEVER commit violence.

    - The Church, of course, committed heinous acts of violence during the Middle Ages. But this all occurred in blatant defiance of what Scripture actually preached, and after the Reformation and the splintering of the Church, competing theologians eventually came to the conclusion that the Church was wrong to violently persecute non-Christians and apostates. The Catholic Church did not admit it was wrong to do this, however, until the 2nd Vatican Conference in the 1960s. It took us awhile, but we finally got it right.

    An Islamic theologian could argue, however, that Osama Bin Laden and the Al-Qaida group were acting completely in agreement with the teachings of the Koran when they flew those planes into the Twin Towers on Sept. 11th. Debatable? Perhaps. But it could be argued so, and in fact is argued so by thousands of imams who spew forth the ugliest of hateful sermons about how evil America and Israel are literally every week in the mosques all over the Islamic World. If a Christian had done the same thing, you would find VERY FEW Christian theologians, if any, who would say they were acting completely in accordance with the teachings of the Bible and Jesus Christ, because they clearly were not.

    A pretty good comparison of Islam and Christianity can be found here.

    Bottom line: They can say it's a religion of peace all they want. Their words and actions say otherwise. Nearly every major conflict in the world today, Nigerian unrest, Sudanese Civil War, Balkans unrest, Israel situation, Chechen Rebellion, Afghanistan, Pakistan vs. India, Kashmir Insurrection, Tamil insurgency in Sri Lanka, Abu Sayyef insurgency in the Phillippines, all involve Muslims vs. non-Muslims. Coincidence? I think not. And every report I hear from the Middle East about imams preaching "Death to Israel" after the latest homicide bombing only confirms it again and again for me. I'm not saying the religion has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. But Islam is badly in need of reform and pacification. Islam needs a Martin Luther.

    Till then, I treat anything Muslims say about friendship and peace with the West with extreme skepticism. I am not interested in words, only action, to stop the terror and stop the hatred. Until then, I will keep my guard up. Islam, in it's current form, IS the enemy. It is the ENTIRE culture that is a threat to our culture and needs to be changed, no less so than the belief cultures of German Nazism and Japanese supremacism were threats to the American culture that needed to be permanently pacified for the world to ever live in peace.

    And Mr. President, Saudi Arabia is STILL not our friend.
  8. CottonBowl'66

    CottonBowl'66 Founding Member

    Aug 26, 2003
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    Read what Joshua did to the people of the "Promised Land."
  9. lsucorndog

    lsucorndog Founding Member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    political alliances cripple true reform
  10. LSUDieHard

    LSUDieHard Founding Member

    Aug 23, 2001
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    Once again, the liberals fail to counter with an intelligent argument, they can only call their opponents "racist", "bigot", "homophobe", "sexist",....

    How sad that your ideology is so devoid of logical reasoning that you must resort to calling names as a counter-argument.

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