Tressel thinking like Meyer.

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by GEAUXARMY, Dec 30, 2007.


    GEAUXARMY Founding Member

    Apr 12, 2007
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    So Tressel is thinking about the spread, kind of makes since. I guess he is thinking about the whole "if you can't beat 'em join 'em" argument. Not just that but just like Meyer he is letting his little thuggies play(washington). I know LSU has had their fair share of "off the field incidents" but I don't think any of our guys were cited for soliciting a lady of the night.
    :crystal: :geauxtige

    P.S. I think that OSU backup QB might be in a little trouble, doesn't N.O. have it's fair share of prostitutes.
  2. Pheasant

    Pheasant Founding Member

    Dec 6, 2007
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    What did Washington do, again, to become a thug?

    GEAUXARMY Founding Member

    Apr 12, 2007
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    Oh you didn't hear. According to your AD and Tressel, a starting corner for OSU did absolutley nothing wrong, but his backup sure did. Washington was probably at the wrong place at the wrong time.
    :geauxtige :crystal:
  4. VABuckeye

    VABuckeye Founding Member

    Dec 2, 2007
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    Yes the backup did. The only thing to come out against Donald Washington was a couple of reports that were apparently erroneous. For this, you are ready to throw Jim Tressel under the bus. If you'd look at his history at Ohio State you'd realize your error. If a player, any player, messes up there are consequences to their actions.

    As to the spread, again if you had a knowledge of Ohio State football you'd realize that they ran a spread with Troy Smith in the past and it's not much of a stretch to put in some packages for this game as they've coached it in the past.
  5. Pheasant

    Pheasant Founding Member

    Dec 6, 2007
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    Actually, his backup didn't either. Too bad you don't know anything about tOSU football, you might be able to start a meaningful thread about it.

    Washington was probably not there, which would be why he wasn't suspended for the game.

    Clifford was Malcolm Jenkins backup.
  6. bhelmLSU

    bhelmLSU Founding Member Staff Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    Explanation from a buckeye, please.

    Doing this from memory so I could be a little off.

    I read an article last night where Tressel confirmed that the current backup QB is being moved back to TE and the freshman QB, who has been suspended for academic reasons or an incident, is taking practice snaps exclusively as the backup.

    I know the freshman only has like 8 pass attempts in the 3 games he was eligible. Do you feel like this is a good move say the starter goes down with an injury? Will the QB/TE start at TE or just get a few snaps?

    Thanks in Advance
  7. VABuckeye

    VABuckeye Founding Member

    Dec 2, 2007
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    I like the move. Henton looked very good early in the season while RS looked tentative. RS is extremely athletic as well and very fast for a tight end. He could make the spread packages much more effective. Besides, who doesn't want to see a tight end around pass play? lol

    This is also a sign that the 4th QB (Joe Bauserman) who was very highly rated out of high school but chose professional baseball first has progressed to the point that he is now a clear #3.
  8. bhelmLSU

    bhelmLSU Founding Member Staff Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    Is Henton a running threat? LSU was a little vulnerable with running QBs this year with our deep penetration and opting out of gap control. However, I think I remeber Henton being a pretty big guy and probably not known for his wheels.

    So I guess RS will be a full time starter at TE?
  9. Pheasant

    Pheasant Founding Member

    Dec 6, 2007
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    Your memory is pretty good. Henton (new 2nd stringer) has limited experience, but the quote from Tressel indicated that Robbie Schoenhoft (the one playing TE now) has not progressed as a #2 QB should have this season. He apparently didn't feel confident enough in Robbie should our #1 go down with an injury- hence the promotion of Henton and the switch for Robbie.
    I don't know if Robbie will play considerably, but I really doubt he'll start. We have two pretty good tight ends who have been playing all year, but Robbie does have the advantage (perhaps) of knowing the routes, coverages etc. from his time as a QB. It will be an interesting sub-plot because either Henton at QB or Robbie at TE is something LSU hasn't seen on film and perhaps will not be able to prepare for. Robbie is a very good athlete, but how much of an impact he could have as a TE (read: how much different will he be than tOSU's other TE's) is probably rather small. Henton compared to Boeckman, on the other hand, is Perilloux compared to Flynn- a much bigger impact on the game is possible there.
  10. AnnArborBuck

    AnnArborBuck Freshman

    Dec 6, 2007
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    You must be remembering Henton totally wrong. He is probably about 6'2" 180 lbs and a VERY good runner. I believe he was the player of the year his Senior year in HS (from Georgia).

    He was suspended from the team for the season because he was basically entrapped by a police sting. He was basically inocent so he was fighting the charges to clear his name. Thing is, at OSU, if you are involved in any type of court case concerning crimal charges you can't play. Eventually, Henton pleaded down to some 4th degree mis-demeanor or what not.

    I could totally see OSU running some version of the Wildcat offense with Henton back there as QB. Saine is back healthy as well and that puts some serious speed back there. While Saine isn't as fast as holiday, he is about 25 lbs heavier and still pretty darn fast.

    Should be a fun game to watch that is for sure.

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