
Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by dallastigers, Oct 10, 2002.

  1. dallastigers

    dallastigers Founding Member

    Sep 2, 2002
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    I am sick of our gold being canary yellow. I would either like to see the tigers change the yellow to a traditional gold or change the yellow to purple. Not the purple that Dinardo made them wear at Kentucky that year and not changing everything week to week. They would have to change the helmets to purple also and have white pants to go with purple jerseys. It might be easier to change the yellow to gold. Just get rid of the yellow. Our colors are purple and gold.
    We can always go back to the classic look. Changes can be changed. It would also bring in revenue, because more people would want to buy shirts that match the uniforms on the field.
    Just a thought.
  2. Ellis Hugh

    Ellis Hugh Space Wrangler

    Aug 9, 2001
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    I like the yellow. I think it matches better with both the purple and the white.

    The story goes that LSU chose purple and gold from the traditional mardi gras colors. Even though mardi gras colors are purple, green, and gold, the gold is always represented by yellow.

  3. Pitkin Tiger

    Pitkin Tiger Founding Member

    Sep 22, 2002
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    What's all the fuss about for changes!

    People want to change the endzones, change the colors, change the "visual identity", change, change, change. What's wrong with what we have?!!!! I would have to change my entire wardrobe if they change the colors, including the ties I have to wear to work. Save me some money and keep things the way they are!
  4. johnny

    johnny Freshman

    Aug 1, 2002
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    I agree, keep the uniforms the way they are. One thing I don't like though are the shoulder stripes. They used to go all the way around the shoulder (well it looked that way if the players arm was down, hard to tell they didn't) and now its only a half stripe (only on the top of the shoulders). Why in the world did they change that?:rolleyes:
  5. joetiger

    joetiger Founding Member

    Oct 31, 2001
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    We have the coolest uni's in the NCAA! Not that it means anything really, but damn, I think we're fine there! I like the fact that while other teams are always messing with their uni's, the SEC teams have basically kept things the same. Don't change a thing. Not the color, not the style, NOTHING.
  6. r_bear42

    r_bear42 Founding Member

    Jan 18, 2002
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    IMO the field and the uniforms, regardless if they wear white or purple look good. I say leave both field and uniform as they are now!
  7. Rex

    Rex Founding Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    What do you think of my new helmet design?

    Updated the font to a more modern look, with a bit of outline. Updated the Tiger to get rid of that round stick-on appearance.

  8. RockyMtTiger

    RockyMtTiger Founding Member

    Jul 21, 2002
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    LSU fans are among the most traditional on the country, so suggesting a uniform change is near-heresy around here. That being said, I wouldn't mind a change; after all, the Tigers have worn the same unis for my entire life. And, by the way, they did wear real gold prior to the mid-50s, when they changed to yellow. So it wouldn't be unprecedented for them to wear gold again. The helmet could definitely use a little tweaking, perhaps making the Tiger big enough to be seen from a distance and coming up with a more creative logo. I'm not a designer, so I'll leave that to others, but a few small changes would be welcomed. :p
  9. eric d

    eric d Founding Member

    Aug 8, 2002
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    I hope the uniforms never change. I like it when teams don't change the uniforms (Penn State, Michigan, and Texas among others). Espescially now because the so called modern and stylish uniforms are just ugly. Just look at Miami, Michigan State, Oregon, or BYU. I also hate the Denver Broncos uniforms.
    Furthermore, I don't think an actual gold color would look very good with our purple. I'm assuming you mean a Notre Dame gold color. Which is another reason to never do it since it would be the same as Notre Dame. The yellow and the purple look really good together in my opinion, and that should not be changed.

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