USC fans bashing Saban

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by SabanFan, Dec 18, 2003.

  1. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I don't know who Gryphn is, but...what he said.

    Sic em Ramah.
  2. DRC

    DRC TigerNator

    Oct 11, 2003
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    Gryphn actually sounds like Rambutt.
  3. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    Oct 26, 2003
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    You gotta see my reply to this thread. I lit those jacka$$es up. Of course, someone else has probably come along by now and posted a rebuttal, but most of everything I said is fact and can't be refuted. It's a long thread, but look for the post by 1trick1 Check it out.

    My Response
  4. Thorny

    Thorny Founding Member

    Jun 30, 2003
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    Not wanting to flame you, but you might need to lighten up on them. It's just a game. When you come across as angry as I seemed to read in your post, you better have your facts straight. You said we beat Florida, when we didn't. You also said that Auburn was a top 25 team, which they aren't. The best comaprison is that if you ranked opponents, Auburn would be 2nd on their list and 5th on ours. Also notice that they don't mention they played one of our "10-loss" teams--Arizona.

    We all know the type of person Nick Saban is. I personally do not care what other fans think of him. We know him to be a straight shooter, something of a rarity in coaches. LSU needed that at the time we hired him. The fact that the rest of the media hasn't figured him out doesn't bother me in the least. Hopefully, he understands the NY media enough to know that the Giants job would be a big mistake. They would never accept some of the (correct) comments downplaying the first UGA and GTHOM games.

    He is focused on the success of the football team and the players that he coaches. All of college football should be so lucky.

  5. Bayeaux

    Bayeaux Freshman

    Oct 21, 2003
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    When the BCS Championship game was first announced, I reacted like many people. I was elated that LSU had achieved the privelege to play in the Sugar Bowl and I was surprised that USC was not the opponent. I really felt that USC had been the recipient of a bad deal. That was until two recent events. I read an article by Carl Dubois of the Advocate this past Sunday that illustrated why LSU vs. OU is the right matchup for the National Championship. The other event was when I followed the link to the SC board and read their comments. These people are attacking LSU like we just knocked off one of their family members. From one side of their mouths they make comments about how pathetic LSU is, how sorry our coach is, they throw insults in every direction and from the other side of their mouths they call us classless. Huh? What kind of math is that? Now I can honestly say that I will pull for Michigan with all my heart in the Rose Bowl. Hail to the Victor. I started to post a comment about the SC fans and as I read on I began to lose the urge to do so. The more I read the more I discovered that there really was no reason to say anything. The SC fans are identifying themselves without having to be called out. It would be redundant and a waste of time to say anything negative about them. They are doing a fine job on their own. I understand why they are upset now. They wouldn't react the way they are if they really honestly believed that the Rose Bowl was the National Championship. They wouldn't care what was happening in the Sugar Bowl. LSU is playing for the National Championship and they are not. This is why they are upset in spite of their attempts to explain it all away. They are trying to convince themselves as well as everyone else that the Sugar Bowl means nothing. That's ok, I don't hold a grudge. In fact, after they get through with their game, I welcome them down to New Orleans where I will be happy to buy them a drink and we can all sit down together, admire LSU's #1 ranking and our National Championship Trophy.
  6. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    Oct 26, 2003
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    Thorny - You're right - I did get ahead of myself and had a typo for the Fla. game. Thanks for the heads up. I intentionally came across as angry because I was. I have been sitting idly by while these clowns bash us, our weak non-conference schedule and the whole BCS system and I couldn't stand it anymore. It's so funny to me that they can bash our weak non-conference schedule when their ENTIRE schedule is weak.

    As for Aub., they may not be ranked now, but they were when USC and LSU played them. I guess though for it to count, it's got to be where you finish.

    Bayeaux - You make some great points as well.
  7. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Good response. I'm kind of surprised. They got bitch slapped by about 4 posts in a row and just took it. No response. Could it be you shut them up?
  8. geauxtigers84

    geauxtigers84 Freshman

    Nov 12, 2003
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    My response (Long)

    By the way, How do you link to something like this?

    Re: Are you really that delusional? Edit | Reply

    "USC is in the National Championship game"

    Dude, just because a cat has kittens in the oven, you don't call them biscuits!!! Jeez, the game for the National Championship is in New Orleans for this football season. Your beef is with the computers that kept OU in the game rather than LSU against USC. Why do you inisist on attacking LSU and its fans? Most of your fans admittedly recognize that LSU belongs in the game. Everyone knew at the beginning of the year what the rules were and nobody had a problem with them. The human polls are simply a part of the overall formula. USC did not have a problem with that formula until you started to lose your grip on the BCS ranking. Everyone knew before the final week of the regular season that an LSU win along with wins by Syracuse and Boise State would vault LSU over USC. Everyone knew that, win or lose, OU was still in the game. Nobody figure all would happen, but it was discussed. When it happened and USC was left out, you wanted to change the rules.

    You are talking about Saban whining, which can not be further from the truth. It is USC coaches and players that are whining incessantly about their slight by the formula and that they are now playing for the NC because the human polls have them #1.

    You people can't just make up the rules as you go along. This will all be settled WHEN LSU rips OU a new a$$hole on Jan 4. You guys can still wrap up an AP #1 ranking should you beat UM.

    However you feel like you need to justify your season and the prize you are striving for on Jan. 1, the winner of the Sugar Bowl will be crowned National Champion by the governing body of the NCAA on the night of Jan 4, 2004. The winner of the Rose Bowl will be crowned Rose Bowl champion, nothing more.
  9. Soap

    Soap Founding Member

    Oct 8, 2003
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    Why do you guys even bother with talking to other fans that are uninformed? It's pointless to argue with them.
  10. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    Oct 26, 2003
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    You're right, but personally speaking, there's only so much nonsense I can take beore I have to respond. It makes me feel better when I can slam them by posting FACTS because there's no way to refute the truth.

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