That prohibitive action by the other board was a joke That was one thing I liked about the new free board -- they didn't put that childish rule in. I am really liking this board -- the HTML available is far superior to the boards I'm used to (I know how to do tags myself, but it takes time and I'm lazy, what can I say ). And the Saints may very well be worth talking about this season. Right now, they look to be a top 5 NFL team.
Right Tommy Boy but LSU isnt good enough to pick up a 3rd and 2 against UF? It's pointless to argue anymore Tom, so let's make a wager. When LSU plays Florida, if they come to a 3rd and 2 and decide to run and pick up the 1st, I win. If they run, or pass, and fail you win. Given that this could happen numerous times, the majority winner wins outright. Name the wager Tommy Boy.
Feel free to dispense with the following: a. Saynts b. $aints c. Saintz and any other clever spellings you may have developed over time.