We know they are smack-talking sore losers. All they are talking about is who's fault it is. Well it's LSU's fault Florida got their butt kicked. End of discussion Florida. Take your whooping and your snap-on fans and enjoy the rest of the 'regular' season. Because your post-season won't be very exciting.
Are you talking about the Gator Fans here ??. All the Gator fans that have come by have been very nice both before and after the game.... I hope they return to post all Season. To be honest I am going to be the biggest Florida fan this week against Tubby. The more losses Auburn gets the quicker the SEC can rid itself of its cancer... Geaux Tigers.
Oh O.K. However I guess I can understand their grief. But I dont pity them. We have suffered for years. I am glad the guard is changing. Lets see if our boys can keep the post for awhile. Geaux Tigers
The folks from other schools who post here are nice folks. There is one BAMAFAN03 who used to post here. He was pretty obnoxious. However, after I learned that he was a misguided high school kid from an LSU-hating school in Louisiana, I understand his motives. It's impossible to say that LSU will win the rest of the games this season. That feat is a near impossibility in the SEC. Every school on the remainder of our SEC schedule is capable of defeating us. Our players must understand this: every remaining contest will require 110% effort and concentration. Only then will we have a reasonable chance of "winning out" the rest of the season. Our players must become "monk-like" in their devotion to school and football in the remaining three months of football season. I wish them the best of luck; may Divine Providence continue to smile upon The LSU Fighting Tiger football team.
i got it out of my system I won't rag on Florida anymore. They've got enough to worry about. I posted on their site before the game - "I look forward to seeing your disgusted, demoralized faces after the game." I was banned from the board. But I did get to see what i wanted. However, i really thought the game would be closer so i could see more of them. There was hardly any trace of Florida fan when I walked out of the staduim. The ones I saw were mad as hell. Very angry with Zook. Contorted faces angry. Red-faced anger. Cussing angry. Anyway - they have a good program. I hope they win several more games to build up LSU's schedule strength for BCS contention. I would love to see them again in the SECCG.
Excellent point Texastigers. Florida is in a "Dinardo" situation right now. Confusing and unproductive offense coupled with a good D that is left on the field too long, and the coach does not have any answers as to why the talent isn't playing better. I'll never understand why the Florida coaching staff is not playing to their strenghts right now, but I didn't understand Dinardo's coaching style either. I don't see Florida losing games this year, they are being out played by teams with less talent (Although slightly less).
The Gators have been great as long as Rex Grossman played well. When he was clicking, they were tough to beat. He does not appear to have his usual swagger that existed last year under Spurrier. Is it because of the loss of Caldwell and Gaffney or has he not caught on to the new system? Maybe the offense is too predictable for the SEC? His confidence did manage to show up in the late in the 2nd quarter and last half against Tennessee but it never arrived against Ole Miss and LSU. It will be interesting to see how Zook and the Gators handle adversity for the first time in over a decade.