I think he was Dinardo's downfall. I don't even know how this guy got the jobs he did. Anyone remember our LBs cover WRs? It was a sad time in LSU defensive history.
I make better coaching decisions in NCAA Football for my PS2... I remember, that at the low of his reign my friends and I would blame everything on him -- even if he had nothing to do with it. Hell, we even did that during Saban's first year.
What made it worse was that he ruined the last year for Tyler, Faulk, and all those guys who brought the magic back. Our offense was pretty good in Tepper's first year but the defense was as bad as I've ever seen. Like you said in another post, why have slow LB's matched up against slot WR's? It makes no sense.
Dammit! I had just forgot about that guy! Don't remind me. I'm blocking it out. I'm blocking it out. I'm blocking it out. I'm block...........AHHH. The best thing about lou is that he is gone.
There is not a font large enough to spell out SUCKED with the emphasis necessary to make my point. He even made an LSU cap look bad.
I thought Lou Tepper was wonderful when you guys had him. Just kidding, but I wonder if DiNardo would have made it another year or two had he fired Tepper. DiNardo was so hard headed about Tepper he went down with the ship too.
What can you say about a guy who wrote THE book on linebacking? Obviously he just didn't have enough time to implement his complicated defense. LSU fans just never "got" ol' Lou. He's just misunderstood. They're still selling his book on Amazon. Check out the review of the reader from Baton Rouge. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0880117974/002-9150937-9443254?vi=glance
LOL! That about sums the pure frustation felt about Lou Tepper. Anyone remember "The Professor" with his chalkboard on the sidelines?