In regards to Marsheezi's post about a gold out for the ULM game, which would you rather for any game? Please post the color you would like to fill the stadium with and what game you would like to do it for.
I say "Gold Out" for AUBURN!!!!! Assuming this game lives up to the preseason hype its getting. I know its early and predictions like these hardly ever live up but, LSU and AU could end up meeting both undefeated. It will be hard for both but with LSU's 2 toughest games (UGA, FLA) at home its very possible. Plus with it being on ESPN at night, it would be awesome.
thanks for the support guys, ive been getting alot of positive response in regards to the mass email ive been sending out, if you guys would continue to spread the word via email i'd greatly appreciate it
I voted gold, just because it shows up better. I like the purple better, but it is so dark that you really can't see the "purple-out" very well and it just looks like nothing. I don't like the white-out because every school has some white in their unis. It definitely should be one of our unique colors.