Who should really be in the BCS Title Game

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by TigerJag, Dec 27, 2007.

  1. TigerJag

    TigerJag Freshman

    Oct 18, 2007
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  2. VABuckeye

    VABuckeye Founding Member

    Dec 2, 2007
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    OK, the article chose to quote endearing stats for LSU and Oklahoma but states that Ohio State "plodded" its way through its schedule. Kent State is a MAC school and produces some good talent. The #1 kickoff returner in the NFL is from Kent State and his name isn't Devin Hester, it's Joshua Cribbs.

    It's simply a biased viewpoint against Ohio State. Dominating Penn State at Penn State is a quality win. Beating Wisconsin by 3 touchdowns is a quality win. The only loss is to a Rose Bowl bound Illinois team. The defense is ranked #1 in the nation.

    The two teams that belong in the championship game are there. Oklahoma lost to freaking Colorado AND Texas Tech.

    End of rant. :)
  3. LSUTigerDad

    LSUTigerDad 2009 Pick Em Champ

    Jan 8, 2007
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    Interesting but am satisfied with the game we have. Two great universities with two great football programs. BTW, I am a big OU fan. (2nd to LSU) Lived in OKC for 5 years. (68 - 73) Wouldn't of had a problem if them instead of OSU.:)

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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    Yea I really think they got it right. OU lost to Colorado and TTech, USC lost to freaking Stanford of all people. Georgia, didnt win its on division. We destroyed Virginia Tech and so on and so on. However, Ohio St. (Im not here to bash them) they did play a pretty week schedule this year and thats their fault, nobody else. Illinois is a good team, not great, but good and is on the rise. Despite all of that. We took care of business and lost twice in triple overtime. We won our Conference which is the impossible every year and we have been ranked in the top 3 all year with our defense. Who else would you put there, this is a good game will draw alot of ticket sales and people. Ohio St. is the biggest university in the nation and well you know LSU fans, you know how we do things.......

    enough said
    its actually better than last years game imo:geaux:
  5. Fishhead

    Fishhead Founding Member

    Dec 3, 2006
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    I agree with the matchup that we have. Like others have stated, the teams that have a legit gripe also have legit reasons why they should NOT be there.

    USC is a great team, and probably one of the hottest teams in the country...but the entire season has to be taken into consideration...including the schedule. Not their fault, but they didn't play much competition...and they lost to STANFORD!!! Sorry, no.

    UGA is also hot right now, but not even winning their division kills them. Also, the loss to Tennessee...coupled with our win over UT...does them in.

    VT??? Puhleaze!:rofl: 48-7...just saying.

    OU has a gripe, as they beat Mizzou twice. But losing to Colorado and Texas Tech hurts them worse than us losing to Arky and Kentucky. Their destruction of Miami looked good early on, but as the season progressed...it was similar to us beating La Tech.:lol: Our destruction of VT looks awesome now...with them winding up 3rd in the final BCS rankings.:thumb:
  6. Skinnjeaux

    Skinnjeaux Founding Member

    Oct 20, 2007
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    All due respect... Marques Colston is a Hofstra product, but I wouldn't want them figured into our strength of schedule.

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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    I like how you use that word "Destruction" well done!
  8. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    Nov 25, 2003
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    Using the old BCS SOS computations (back when they counted it into the calculation), we have:

    Va Tech -9th
    LSU - 10th
    Georgia - 33rd
    OU - 34th
    OSU - 49th
    USC - 63rd
    Hawaii - 120th (dead last)

    I don't think most people realized how easy a schedule USC had. OSU wasn't a whole lot better and a lack of a quality OOC hurt them and public opinion about their schedule overall. What does help OSU is that their only loss is to a top 15 Illinois (them being in the Rose Bowl is negligible since that was a farce in an of itself).

    The most deserving team would have been Virginia Tech, especially the way they played after being beat by LSU early. Obviously the problem is giving them a 2nd shot versus a team that beat them 48-7. Believe me, it would have been a great game had we had a rematch.
  9. Fishhead

    Fishhead Founding Member

    Dec 3, 2006
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    Right about USC's schedule. Like I said...it wasn't their fault, but...Nebraska was supposed to be their big OOC road game...and that didn't exactly pan out. Cal was a big game at the time, but now it's a terrible game for them. At least they try to schedule OOC competition...but in the grand scheme of things...you don't get points for beating a big NAME team...or a team that was SUPPOSED to be good.

    Again...that's why our destruction of VT looks so good at the end of the season. You gotta look at the body of work when the season ENDS...not when it's early.
  10. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    Nov 25, 2003
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    So based on what I showed with the SOS, why wouldn't you be trumpeting Va Tech as our deserved opponent?

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