basketball roster thread

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Jmg, Apr 13, 2022.

  1. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    need to get KJ williams. adam miller, KJ williams and maybe one more. julian philips ideally
  2. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    depending on the service, LSU is ranked somewhere around 2-5 in the incoming transfer ratings.

    of course if they had a talent exit rating it would be up there as well
    lsu-i-like likes this.
  3. CagedTiger

    CagedTiger Freshman

    Nov 11, 2021
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    What are you talking about? You start talking shit and when people respond you get your panties in a wad. I wish the kid well. He was horrible at LSU primarily because he was being coached by a coach that didn't know how to develop players. Even with that being said, Reid has a long, long way to go. Gonzoga clearly signed him based on potential and not on performance. There are a lot of talented high school players that fail to meet expectations every year, but I wish him the best. One thing is for sure and that is he's going to get a lot better coaching and will finally learn how to play within a structured offense and defense, not the street ball crap he was taught at LSU!
  4. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    i just said i was talking about your contention that players lose options when they enter the transfer portal. please pay attention. in fact they gain options as they can return to the original school, or another if offered. so they have more options. a smaller school and more playing time, or maybe a lateral move like fudge to florida, or a superior basketball school like gonzaga, or maybe just stay where they are. more options. not fewer as you alleged.
    shane0911 likes this.
  5. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    24/7 early projected rankings came out.

    i keep up with recruiting and i am have been astonished at the number of destroyers headed to arkansas.

    so i am not suprised they are ranked #1.

    musselman is basically will wade minus sanctions. he is turning arkansas into duke
  6. CagedTiger

    CagedTiger Freshman

    Nov 11, 2021
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    You're a smart ass. The stats show that a large portion of players that enter the transfer portal do not find anyone to play for. The goal of entering the transfer portal is to find a better spot to display your talents, but the reality is a large majority find no one is really interested. You hand pick a player here and there, but the reality is the stats don't lie, but you do!
  7. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    before i continue, i want to make sure you understand that the players in the transfer portal can return to the same school.

    do you understand that?
    shane0911 likes this.
  8. Hou-duco

    Hou-duco Founding Member

    Sep 2, 2003
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    That depends. If they are in the portal can their scholarship be awarded to someone else? Entering the portal is somewhat like the game of musical chairs. When the music stops, they may find that all the chairs are taken. Also, some probably foolishly quit attending classes so they may not be eligible to continue at the school which they were attending.
    lsu-i-like likes this.
  9. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    their scholarship can be awarded to someone else regardless of they are in the portal or not. its a year to year thing.

    do you understand that the player in the portal can return? for example mwani wilkinson and justice williams. are you aware of them? i can explain it.

    also, reminder, your idea to ban players from the pros for 3 years or whatever was catastrophically stupid. the whole point of university is to prepare you for a job, not ban you from it. players like joe burrow and tari eason are success stories. they transfer and go pro after finding a better environment for development.

    you guys said its bad for fans that rosters turnover. the players are trying to get jobs in the pros, not please fans. burrow and eason did the right thing and preventing them from employment is the dumbest of ideas. that you guys amused yourself by imagining them flipping burgers speaks to the selfishness of fans.
    Last edited: May 3, 2022
  10. kcal

    kcal Founding Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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