Official 2015 LSU Recruiting Thread

Discussion in 'LSU RECRUITING' started by islstl, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. Tiger Exile

    Tiger Exile Long time lurker

    Sep 12, 2013
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    I played Rugby (Union primarily) for 20 years and was fortunate enough to tour Ireland and England. Never made it to the Southern Hemisphere while playing but plan to catch some Tri-Nations when the kids are out of the house if not sooner. I got to play some Cricket and practice hurling. Pre 911 they let me carry my hurling stick back on Aer Lingus only to force me to check it at JFK after walking it through customs. I love watching the other sports out there and AFL is one of them. You are right about the constant action.
    Brian likes this.
  2. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    I almost want to laugh. Where was all the outrage when USC was held responsible for what a player's parents were doing some 200 miles away from campus? There was NO rule on the books for what a school "should know" about it's high profile players and yet the NCAA went full bitch to try and kill the program. A COI led by Paul M.F. Dee....the guy in charge when the U was cheating like a $2 whore and COI member Missy Conboy who was a Notre Dame deputy AD at the time. Hilarious.

    When the NCAA has exhausted their legal options to keep the records sealed in the McNair lawsuit and everyone gets a chance to see what the COI was doing behind closed doors, I believe USC will file a major lawsuit.
    Brian and LSUTiga like this.
  3. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    Really? You want outrage from an LSU board for USC? You didn't think that one through.
  4. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    Obviously not. This entire issue was hashed out here years ago. Which is why I said "WAS" regarding the outrage. Lots of talk about the unholy NCAA and lawsuits and such but I didn't see any of that regarding ANY other program who has either gotten screwed or gotten away with shit.

    The outrage should be directed at the NCAA.
  5. EyeoftheTiger 2015

    EyeoftheTiger 2015 Senior Member

    Jan 30, 2015
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    See where Spurrier joined Twitter...Les Miles sent him a tweet welcoming him, and Stevie got acquainted quickly. He started following several prospects. BTW, see where Les Miles only follows 37 people or so and two of them are Ronnie Harrison who signed with Alabama and Jamal Peters who signed with Miss State and didn't even officially visit LSU during his recruitment. Les, UNFOLLOW them, my man! Interesting BTW that Miles has lots of Florida fans, Alabama fans, etc following him. I believe he is the 4th most followed coach in the NCAA...think he is 2nd in the SEC to Butch Jones at TN.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2015
  6. cajdav1

    cajdav1 Soldiers are real hero's

    Dec 26, 2003
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    They'll usually be no moral outrage in most parts of the country when the ncaa comes down on USC, Bama, Notre Dame or OSU.
    Brian and furduknfish like this.
  7. furduknfish

    furduknfish #ohnowesuckagain

    Sep 11, 2006
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    I think Smacker is the one maintaining that Twitter account.
  8. EyeoftheTiger 2015

    EyeoftheTiger 2015 Senior Member

    Jan 30, 2015
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    Finally saw an explanation about how the STUPID NCAA rule modification about Financial Aid Agreements came about...the change that got LSU in ridiculous trouble. The original rule allowed prospects to sign multiple FAAs with of course several schools. The NCAA saw this as a loophole for basically the schools and the prospect to have unlimited contact with a lot of schools...for example, sign 5 FAAs, then you have unlimited contact with 5 schools (no dead periods, no visit limits, etc). Of course, what the NCAA did was to plug one loophole with an insane penalty due to another loophole. If the prospect isn't sincere in his signing of the FAA to the 1 school he can only do now, that school gets in trouble if for some reason he doesn't enroll there...reneges on his verbal and FAA signing and goes elsewhere, doesn't graduate early, etc. Fortunately, this is about to be remedied with the early signing period in December that is about to occur (every source I've seen says it will pass and start this December) Now, if a guy like Womack doesn't sign early when given the chance, he is just being dishonest about signing at all with that school he claims he wants to attend. And THIS signature would be a binding one.
  9. Brian

    Brian Founding Member

    Feb 28, 2004
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    Any fan should be concerned when the NCAA hammers a high profile school for mostly routine behavior.

    That means there was an agenda, which was pretty obvious at the time. Ultimately, USC may win a lawsuit, but I think the whole process would have been much more gentle had Mike Garrett not been practically challenging and mocking the NCAA. There really was no reason to dare them.

    With that said, the actual "indiscretions" were pretty tame and certainly everyone else in CFB took notice and got with their compliance offices to tighten things up. Similar to the O'Leary resume debacle at ND causing coaches everywhere to check their own for any misrepresentation as LSUDad has at times mentioned.

    I looked at the USC situation much like the Saints and Goodell/Owners during "Bountygate."

    It was all trumped up nonsense to further an agenda -- that being the ability to show any court/jury that the NFL was serious about safety cause they hammered the Saints in unprecedented ways for things that go on in every single NFL locker room.

    Basically, I think there's a difference between feeling sorry for a rival or opponent getting hammered (be it USC, the Saints, whomever) and being concerned that such actions could be taken on most anyone if it suits the current agenda of the governing body be it the NFL Commish or the NCAA. Falcons fans didn't feel sorry for Saints fans, but I know several who weren't okay with the punishments, the reasons for them, and the absurdity that was the severity of them.
    didit, CajunlostinCali and LSUDad like this.
  10. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    A few years ago I called a buddy of mine and said "what are you doing"

    He said I'm checking my resume because I might

    Oh wait, this is someone else's story
    LSUDad and Brian like this.

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