Your Trayvon Martin opinions...

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by GregLSU, Apr 11, 2012.

  1. GregLSU


    Dec 2, 2007
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    6 weeks after the shooting death of Trayvon it's the top story in the news. Marches all over the country, politcal parties drawing lines, insiting violence, and very strong racial lines being drawn... did Trayvon bite off more than he could chew, or was he profiled then shot?
    Personally I don't see why MSNBC and CNN had to manufacture evidence for their viewing crowd, showing pictures of a trayvon from 4-5 years ago... whats yalls opinions?
  2. Cajun Sensation

    Cajun Sensation I'm kind of a big deal Staff Member

    Dec 4, 2006
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    I don't follow the story closely, but from what I've heard, the rent-a-cop pursued the young boy even after the 911 dispatcher told him not to. The young boy ends up dead b/c he was pursued. It was NOT self defense if he pursued the kid, IMO.

    I know these fat rent-a-cop types. Give them a gun and just a half ounce of authority and they think they are tough guys. I'll bet you anything he wears Affliction.

    Anyways, I know that we don't know all the facts and blah blah blah.....but from the little that I know of the story, that's how I see it.
  3. Contained Chaos

    Contained Chaos Don't we all?

    Dec 5, 2004
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    Apparently, Zimmerman has a history of volatile and violent behavior...not someone you want to give any kind of authority to.

    I don't think it's a race issue; I think it's more of an issue of someone being a complete a$$hole, waste of flesh who can't control himself.
  4. Cajun Sensation

    Cajun Sensation I'm kind of a big deal Staff Member

    Dec 4, 2006
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    According to NBCNews an announcement of criminal charges against George Zimmerman is expected around 5pm
  5. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I suspect that he's going to be prosecuted for manslaughter but probably will be acquitted because of the Florida law. It's not going to be a murder charge because it was not premeditated and not committed during a crime.

    I think the Prosecutor declining to send the case to the Grand Jury means that she thinks a Grand Jury might have not indicted him. The whole story needs to come out for the sake of all concerned. More is coming out already from witnesses and leaks from the police. It will come out in court.

    From what we know, neither Zimmerman nor Martin were criminals previously and neither was engaged in anything illegal before the confrontation. Zimmerman exercised poor judgement when he followed Martin after being told not to do so by the police dispatcher. Martin apparently ducked behind cover to elude Zimmerman. Zimmerman then made a second mistake by leaving his car to follow Martin on foot.

    At that point apparently Martin made a judgement error by deciding to confront Zimmerman instead of just going on about his business or calling the police on his own phone instead of his girlfriend. The police dispatcher might have been able to stop it all right there.

    In any case, what was up to that point two individuals legally going about their business became a confrontation and a fight and finally a weapon was pulled.

    Zimmerman started the whole thing and made two mistakes that could have avoided trouble. But because of the Florida "Stand your ground" law, when Martin confronted Zimmerman instead of going about his business or calling the police, Zimmerman may have not committed a legal crime if he felt threatened.
  6. Cajun Sensation

    Cajun Sensation I'm kind of a big deal Staff Member

    Dec 4, 2006
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    Yeah, but using that logic, it can be argued that Martin did NOT make a judgement in error by deciding not to "go about his business"....the argument can be made that Martin was lawfully "standing his ground" when being stalked by the fat rent-a-cop.
  7. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    The trouble is . . . it is not against the law to follow someone in a public right of way. It all depends on who started the face-to-face confrontation and especially . . . who threw a punch and turned it into a fight where someone might feel threatened that brings the Florida "Stand your ground" law to go into effect.
  8. mancha

    mancha Alabama morghulis

    Aug 2, 2011
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    Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, The Black Panther Party, NBC News, Spike Lee, Obama, and Erick Holder have made this a racial thing. If Zimms gets off there will be a riot.


    Michelle Williams "Let me tell you, the things that's about to happen, to these honkeys, these crackers, these pigs, these pink people, these ---- people. It has been long overdue. My prize right now this evening ... is gonna be the bounty, the arrest, dead or alive, for George Zimmerman. You feel me?"
  9. stevescookin

    stevescookin Certified Who Dat

    Nov 18, 2008
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    I don't really care about the Trayvon Martin shooting...

    Meanwhile, In New Orleans during the last six weeks....What...about 20-25 people shot ???
  10. Cajun Sensation

    Cajun Sensation I'm kind of a big deal Staff Member

    Dec 4, 2006
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    I agree that the media has, in fact, made this a race issue.

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